White Wolf Wiki

Lui Domien is a Tzimisce koldun group established by the childer of the elder Domien.


The Tzimisce sorcerer Domien, who settled into the Great Dismal Swamp between Virginia and North Carolina in the 1740s, kept to himself out of politics for nearly two centuries. He slowly sired childer while feasting on escaped slaves and refugee Natives. Eventually, his get traveled to the Great Lakes in the 1930s to recruit thralls from the Romanian immigrant communities in Cleveland, Gary, Erie, and Chicago.

What these sorcerous Dragons saw there was the worst industrial pollution in the hemisphere: lakes poisoned, soil tainted, rivers on fire, skies dripping acid. A coven of koldunic sorcerers got the idea that this toxic pall could be the afterbirth of the American Kupala, an earth spirit as noxious as the Tzimisce themselves. The Lui Domien sought, and still seek, to command this envenomed earth. Mortals eagerly created this new element of poison, so the Lui Domien shall master it as their old-country sorcerers mastered the old elements of nature. The Tzimisce in the old countries of Eastern Europe prove surprisingly open to the Lui Domien message. There they face colossal slag piles and festering chemical pits left behind by the previous century's Communist regimes. One Voivode claimed that Chernobyl's radioactive red earth offers a whole new approach, or a whole new kind of power, to the movement, but she has disappeared in Ukraine for now. Barring another nuclear meltdown, the Lui Domien turn their gaze to Thin-blooded alchemists: perhaps the arts of transmuting metals and purifying matter can contribute to their new practice.

The Lui Domien are responsible for the creation of nyukachy, and for popularizing them among alchemical circles.


Imperious, grandiloquent, and with a sense of unholy purpose behind the clinging chemical reek; or a bully trying to be charming, selling a timeshare in the newest type of the oldest magic. Lui Domien kolduny either jealously guard their toxic turf, or eagerly invite neonate Tzimisce to investigate the possible uses of pollution, depending on how strong they feel in a given domain and how much post-industrial grunge they have to work with. Redworkers in need of extremely dangerous ingredients may find the Lui Domien sitting on top of the sludge pit, setting the value of their gunk ridiculously high. Thin-bloods generally find Lui Domien invitations to collaborate less than thrilling, but if one's really hard up they can always go to the worst Superfund site in the city and see whether a Tzimisce sorcerer has burrowed in beneath the stained concrete of a broken factory floor.


Sorcerous Affiliations
Standard Affiliations Ancient Order of the Aeon Rites · The Arcanum · Balamo'ob · The Children of Osiris · The Cult of Isis · The Cult of Mercury · The Dozen Priests of the Pythian Order · The Fenian · Forn Jafnaðr · Maison Liban · Mogen HaLev · Nebuu-Afef · The Nephite Priesthood · The Newburgh Group · The Seven Thunders · The Silver Portal · The Society of Enlightened Altruistic Ideologies · The Star Council · Thal'hun · US Government: Project Twilight · Uzoma
Mage-run Affiliations Council of Nine Mystic Traditions · Disparate Alliance · Technocratic Union
Redworking Affiliations The Almost Assembly · The Calderone · CRONUS/DOVECOTE · House Carna · House Goratrix · Lui Domien · The Plague Oracles · Sunburners
Minor or Defunct Affiliations Asatru Futhark · Bata'a · Masters of Stonecrop