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Lucita de Aragón is the signature character of the Lasombra clan in Vampire: The Masquerade and Dark Ages: Vampire. She is a consummate shadow warrior, rivaling the Assamites in ferocity and reputation.

As the Anarch Revolt ensued and the Sabbat formed from its ashes, Lucita abstained from both sects, becoming one of the most feared Lasombra antitribu active in the modern nights. But all of this changed with the Final Death of her sire – an event that drove her to follow in his footsteps by becoming the Sabbat Archbishop of Madrid.


The daughter of King Alfonso the Battler[1] or Alfonso II of Aragón[2], Lucita grew up privileged but chafed under her responsibility to her father and family. She thought of patricide many times and often ran away, only to be caught by the Aragonese guards and returned to her father's custody. Rather than bother with disciplining the girl himself (as King, he had better things to do), Alfonse shuffled her off to confession each time, trusting that God and Church would engender penitence in his daughter. The fact that her confessor was Ambrosio Luis Monçada made this hope a vain one.

Monçada recognized an indomitable will in young Lucita – and a fierce independence. These traits, combined with his unholy lust for her, convinced the bishop that her Embrace was warranted. After talking with others of his clan, Monçada decided that the Lasombra would greatly benefit from this individual of high birth.

After her Embrace, though, Lucita's relationship with her clan was hardly idyllic. She struggled with Monçada just as she had struggled with her mortal father, craving autonomy and freedom. Although she served Monçada dutifully as a diplomat and a noble (she was the power behind the throne of her father's successor, King Pedro II), she was more at home on the road with her traveling companion Anatole, who inspired in Lucita more faith in God than the degenerate Monçada ever could.

Since the Dark Ages, Lucita has undertaken a training regimen through which she gained great skills in the noble art of war. Her speed and natural grace aided her in this endeavor, and she can masterfully whittle down stronger foes before they manage to land a single blow on her. When she combines her martial prowess with her trademark Lasombra control of darkness, she becomes a terrible enemy indeed. She has worked for the Camarilla as an archon, and is justly feared and admired by Kindred of all sects.

You began as royalty and the chosen progeny of one of the great elders of the time. You were groomed for a position of authority. If you'd been attentive to me back then, you could be regent now. Instead, here you are skulking around until you get caught, and now you're just hoping for some way to keep your hide together long enough to see another year. Do you understand just how much contempt I have for you?
  —  Gratiano de Veronese to Lucita

Later in her unlife, following the death of her companion Anatole and her sire, the Cardinal Monçada, she became more attuned with the Sabbat, eventually abandoning her Humanity and taking up the Path of Night with Elieser de Polanco as mentor. She became the Sabbat Archbishop of Madrid in her sire's stead, and later became the Archbishop of Zaragoza.

Gehenna War[]

Lucita's exact whereabouts or fate are not clear in these nights, the details no doubt being lost in the shuffle of the Gehenna War and the defection of Clan Lasombra to the Camarilla. Rumors often speak of her death, and even her execution at the hands of Talley,[3] as part of the clan's concessions for entry to the sect. In any case, someone bearing her name leads the Sabbat in Madrid, whose pack is said to be a hundred strong.[4]


Tall and willowy and dark black hair, Lucita exemplified the classic appearance of old Spanish nobility. There is no Moorish influence in her features. She typically wears the garb of a noblewoman rather than that of a warrior (surprise is her preferred modus operandi), but these clothes are often dark and somber affairs that favor ease of movement rather than stuffy presentability.


  • Long-time lover (on-and-off) of Fatima al-Faqadi—an Assamite sent to destroy her, who she fought to a full standstill until sunrise.
  • Former companion and friend of Anatole.
  • Long-time travelling companion and friend of Beckett.
  • Former lover of Jan Pieterzoon.
  • Employer of Willa Gebenstaler.
  • Domitor to the ghoul Angelica Tranh, a Vietnamese-American war refugee and pilot for her jet.

Version Differences[]

During the now non-canon Time of Judgment timeline, Lucita sought answers for the Withering, finding out that nobody knew what was happening. She allied with the former archon Theo Bell in order to stop the Camarilla's "concentration camps" of Thin-Blooded vampires. When Beckett confirmed to her that Gehenna was indeed beginning, she and Theo followed Beckett and his companion Kapaneus in his search for means to stop the apocalypse. Once they found Rayzeel, one of Saulot's childer, a great Abyssal creature emerged from the earth and tried to kill Beckett. The creature, seeing it could not kill the Noddist, assumed the form of Lucita's sire, Ambrosio Luis Monçada, and tried to convince her to subjugate. Lucita, in a last attempt to be free of her sire, sacrificed herself, letting her companions escape. Anatole appeared to Lucita in her final moments and took her soul into the afterlife before it was absorbed and lost in the Abyss.

Let them drop their jaws in wonder, Myca. Let them curse me for abandoning the fight against Gehenna on their terms. Let them call me a traitor, place me on their absurd Red List, curse me for a coward and a selfish fool. I am sick of playing the game the world has set before me. The time has come for Lucita to do what she should have done centuries ago. Despite the horror and wonder and fate-shaping I have done and seen, I am still no more than my sire's childe. I must step down from the world's stage. I am no longer a figure; I am one Cainite attending to her own matters.
  —  Lucita


  • Lucita used to work as a freelance contract killer, employing Willa Gebenstaler as her go-between and secretary for handling clients and payments
  • In addition to her fearsome reputation as a killer, Lucita is known as something of a scholar. She regularly corresponds with Beckett on his research, who regularly seeks out her for all her insights and advice. She was also one of the authors of the Encyclopaedia Vampirica.
  • Lucita has a tattoo of a black rose on her left breast (mentioned when Lucita and Fatima "make love" during Clan Novel: Assamite)
  • Clan Novel: Ventrue mentions a turbulent relationship between Lucita and Jan Pieterzoon. While the specifics are never detailed, the fallout left Pieterzoon so bitter that the Encyclopaedia Vampirica contains his one and only annotation referring to Lucita as a "glorified prostitute."[5]

Character Sheet[]

As of 2000 CE[]


