White Wolf Wiki

Lucien de Maupassant was the High Regent of the Chantry of the Five Boroughs until his disappearance.


A socialite among the Tremere, known to investigate occult meetings in order to find potential recruits for the clan, He met his future childe, Aisling Sturbridge, during a seánce and later saved her from becoming Aleister Crowley's new Scarlet woman.

After a couple of years, he brought her to Vienna to grant her the embrace. For the next 30 years, he and his childe acted as free agents, who delivered messages for the clan and the Inner Council. During WW II, de Maupassant vanished and has not resurfaced so far.

His private quarters, a 12th-floor office space, were transformed by the NYC Tremere into a chantry after his departure. It is called "The Maupassant Room"

