Lucas Dawnish is a homophobic policeman, and a Bastet of the Simba (werelion) tribe.
Dawnish broke into a small local museum when he learned that they held a set of artifact stones etched with secret Mokolé lore, but the stones he wanted were not on display. The curator, Amos Roland, saw Dawnish in Crinos form, and reported the break-in. Ironically, Dawnish was dispatched to respond to the report along with Hank Machak.
When Roland tried to tell them about the "bear" he saw break in, Dawnish derided his story and suggested he was making it up because he'd damaged the display himself. Later that night, he tracked Amos back to his home to look for the other stones in the set. He found Amos with Hank, and Dawnish took the time to spew some homophobic hate before attacking them. Hank, however, turned out to be a Mokolé himself, and he defeated Dawnish in the ensuing fight.