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The Lore of Radiance is the lore of leadership and divine commandment over the masses of humanity; allowing the Namaru to speak with the voice of the Almighty to rally their followers as well as mark those who earn their favor (or scorn) and even look deep into a person’s soul to see their ultimate value - or a lack thereof - in the eyes of Creation. A Devil with mastery over Radiance can uplift the spirits of even the most humiliated crowds or crush the souls of even the most emotionally resilient individuals.

Functioning much like the evocations of the Lore of Humanity and the Lore of Longing, the evocations of Radiance were developed after the Fall and deal with the Devils’s inborn powers of charisma and assertiveness; calling on their knowledge as the former Heralds of the Heavenly Host and applying it to humanity, effectively making it the human-focused equivalent of the Lore of the Celestials.

Fittingly, those who would come to specialize in the Lore of Radiance often served as leaders of human settlements; guiding the children of Adam and Eve loyal to the fallen while the more martially-skilled angels under Lucifer’s banner fought the Holy Host, keeping their flock - their source of faith - in line. Those who resurrect in the modern world in the wake of the Sixth Great Maelstrom often retain their authoritarian bent, for good or for ill, and are perhaps more endowed to cultivate scores of thralls and humans servants comparative to most other fallen - with the Lammasu and their understanding of Longing being the only exception.


  • Menu hover bulletMenu bulletMenu bulletMenu bulletMenu bullet Voice of Heaven: This evocation empowers and amplifies the Devil's voice, allowing them to speak with such godly authority that it drowns out all ambient noise. Their voice compels all who hear it to listen to what the demon has to say and to be instinctively receptive to their commands.
    • High-Torment: The high-Torment version of this power has the same effect but instead of compelling the target to obey the demon, the Devil's words issue forth with such malice and indignity that it momentarily traumatizes the victim and can even cause their bodies to become physically injured.
  • Menu hover bulletMenu hover bulletMenu bulletMenu bulletMenu bullet Exalt: The power of the Namaru's commanding voice is enough to instill hope in the weakest of hearts, spurring mortals to put aside their fears and steal triumph from the jaws of defeat.
    • High-Torment: The listeners are dismayed by the Namaru's scorn.
  • Menu hover bulletMenu hover bulletMenu hover bulletMenu bulletMenu bullet Aura of Legend: This evocation awakens atavistic memories buried deep in the human subconscious, renewing the ancient bonds of fealty that once bound humanity and the Fallen in the face of Heaven's tyranny. The ties run so deep that when they arise, it can sometimes drive all other thoughts from a mortal's mind, leaving only the urge to fulfill the ancient duty once more.
    • High-Torment: Monstrous Devils do not inspire loyalty. They fill their victims with urges of hate and violence. Mortals affected in this way succumb to a murderous frenzy, attacking the nearest living beings within reach.
  • Menu hover bulletMenu hover bulletMenu hover bulletMenu hover bulletMenu bullet The Mark of the Celestials: During the War of Wrath, both angels and demons found ways to signify their friends and enemies, subtly altering their auras to make subjects easier to find or as marks of anger and shame so that anyone who encountered subjects would know their crimes and treat them accordingly.
    • High-Torment: Monstrous Devils can create only marks that promise violence and misfortune for the bearer.
  • Menu hover bulletMenu hover bulletMenu hover bulletMenu hover bulletMenu hover bullet Revelation: Although mortals and demons alike use artifice to conceal their true natures, this evocation allows a Devil to strip away a mortal's layers of deception and reveal them for who they really are. It's a moment of truth that many do not have the heart to endure.
    • High-Torment: Monstrous Devils are not interested in revealing a mortal's personal virtue. They wish to only crush egos to render victims more malleable, or to stoke the fires of dark impulses. When a high-Torment Devil performs this evocation, the effect exaggerates a subject's worst qualities, giving them greater emphasis than the rest of the individual's personality.


Demon: The Fallen Lores
Common Fundament · Humanity
Namaru Celestials · Flame · Radiance
Asharu Awakening · Firmament · Winds
Annunaki Earth · Paths · Forge
Neberu Light · Patterns · Portals
Lammasu Longing · Storms · Transfiguration
Rabisu Beast · Flesh · Wild
Halaku Death · Spirit · Realms
Earthbound Chaos · Contamination · Violation