The Lore of Patterns allows a Neberu to manipulate time in ways both subtle, such as causing apparent serendipity, to outright slowing or stopping the time flow. They can also read the patterns of the heavens, telling the future and enabling them to alter it.
Sense Congruence: The Fallen can always put themselves at the right place at the right time. High-Torment: The same, but can only be used to find violent or destructive events.
Trace Pattern: A Neberu can trace the causes of an event with great accuracy. High-Torment: The same, but only violent sources can be traced.
Foresee: The Neberu can read fate and predict the outcome of an event about to occur. High-Torment: The Fallen can use this ability to create free Dodge actions.
Causal Influence: The Fallen read events several days in advance and know which parts to affect to change the future as desired High-Torment: The same, but they can only use these to inflict violence on another.
Twist Time: The Neberu may alter the flow of time in their immediate surroundings. High-Torment: The Fallen uses this ability to cause permanent derangements in others.
- DTF: Demon: The Fallen Rulebook, p. 192-194
Demon: The Fallen Lores | |
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Annunaki | Earth · Paths · Forge |
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