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White Wolf Wiki

The Lore of Longing is the lore of understanding and manipulating the emotional nuances (or neuroses) of humans; be they sexual preferences or artistic passions. On paper, the lore follows many of the same principles as the Lore of Humanity and the Lore of Radiance as they all deal with influencing humanity, however Longing is much more intimate and often has more devastating (or healing) properties than either of its compatriots.

Proprietary to the Lammasu - once angels of inspiration and grace, now demons of desire and cruel beauty - these evocations allow the Defilers to influence humanity as muses or to corrupt them and drive them to fits of wanton lust as incubi and succubi; exploiting their animalistic urge for pleasure to bring out the worst (or, occasionally, the best) in those whose lives they touch.

Conversely, this is also the lore that corrupts the Defiler the most; potentially leading them down a path of Torment that enables them to entertain - and even make manifest - their own worst ideas about humanity and even themselves (even if they don’t want to confess to the latter).


  • Menu hover bulletMenu bulletMenu bulletMenu bulletMenu bullet Read Emotion: The Lammasu can read a person's emotional state through subtle cues and act accordingly. High-Torment: The Fallen tends to draw out the darker emotions.
  • Menu hover bulletMenu hover bulletMenu bulletMenu bulletMenu bullet Empathetic Response: The Lammasu can react perfectly to a target, becoming flawlessly empathetic. High-Torment: The Lammasu instead inspires fear in the target.
  • Menu hover bulletMenu hover bulletMenu hover bulletMenu bulletMenu bullet Manipulate Senses: The Lammasu may increase the sensations felt by a target. High-Torment: The Lammasu causes pain or destroys the perception of the target instead.
  • Menu hover bulletMenu hover bulletMenu hover bulletMenu hover bulletMenu bullet Obsession: With this ability, a Lammasu causes the target to fixate on a person, thing, or idea. High-Torment: The victim has no sense of danger and will do anything to fulfill their desire.
  • Menu hover bulletMenu hover bulletMenu hover bulletMenu hover bulletMenu hover bullet Inspire: The Lammasu can cause superhuman insight in a target. High-Torment: The Lammasu inspires madness instead of genius.


Demon: The Fallen Lores
Common Fundament · Humanity
Namaru Celestials · Flame · Radiance
Asharu Awakening · Firmament · Winds
Annunaki Earth · Paths · Forge
Neberu Light · Patterns · Portals
Lammasu Longing · Storms · Transfiguration
Rabisu Beast · Flesh · Wild
Halaku Death · Spirit · Realms
Earthbound Chaos · Contamination · Violation