White Wolf Wiki

Lady Lomasi is a Seelie Sidhe Childling member of House Eiluned in the Kingdom of Pacifica.



Count Elias' personal soothsayer and conscience, Lady Lomasi is all of nine years old. A relatively recent arrival in Oakhold, she carries out her duties with the sort of gravitas only a small girl can muster. She is a firm believer in Right Make Might, Superman, Truth, Justice, and the Changeling Way, and is constantly deeply offended by the compromises Elias must make daily in order to maintain his hold on Oakhold. She frequently serves as a sort of moral litmus test for Elias' more questionable maneuvers, and her impressive scrying talents tend to lend weight to her disapproval. At the moment she is furious with the count for taking Sir Blade, against her advice, to Duke Aeon's last Beltaine celebration. While she does not know the exact nature of the tragedy resultant from that blunder, she is quite aware that many of the duke's recent troubles can be traced to it.


Tiny and anorexic-thin, Lomasi could almost be mistaken for a sluagh. Her elfin features are parchment-white, and her wide, wide eyes are dead black. Her hair is a rich chestnut color, but it hangs long and straight without adornment. In her mortal seeming, her mother tends to French braid her mane, but at court she lets it hang free. Her dress is in somber tones, with lace edging and wedgewood or cloisonné jewelry. It is rare for her to wear gems, as she claims they interfere with her soothsaying abilities.


Lomasi is right. Always. She never forgets that. Elias is wrong. A lot. She never forgets that either. She does what she can to make him do the right thing, but she knows it is not going to work. She knows a lot of things. She would like to share them with people, but people never listen. People are stupid.


Lady Lomasi does not bear a sword. Instead, she constantly carries around with her a crystal ball which glows with its own bluish light. When removed from Glamour, the sphere is revealed to be a souvenir snow-globe, but it is an invaluable aid in the young lady's scrying. Curiously enough, she never finds the ball heavy, even though she carries it everywhere with one hand.


Court: Seelie
Legacies: Sage/Riddler
House: Eiluned
Seeming: Childling
Kith: Sidhe
Physical: Strength 1, Dexterity 3, Stamina 2
Social: Charisma 3, Manipulation 3, Appearance 4
Mental: Perception 4, Intelligence 3, Wits 3
Talents: Alertness 4, Dodge 4, Empathy 4, Expression 1, Kenning 3
Skills: Etiquette 2, Performance 2, Stealth 2
Knowledges: Enigmas 4, Mythlore 2, Occult 2
Backgrounds: Chimera 2, Dreamers 2, Gremayre 3, Title 2
Arts: Chicanery 2, Soothsay 4, Sovereign 1
Realms: Fae 4, Nature 2, Prop 2
Glamour: 8
Willpower: 4
Banality: 2

