Lodges: The Faithful is a sourcebook for Werewolf: The Forsaken. It expands on the purpose and uses of Lodges.
From the Onyx Path catalog:
- "You have lain in the earth.
- You have walked in the Shadow.
- You have ascended your own funeral pyre.
- You have looked upon the face of the Death that awaits you,
- and you have returned to life carrying that knowledge with you.
- Come and take your rightful place among us,
- and know fear no longer."
- … from the rites of initiation of the Lodge of Death
- Brotherhood of Wolves
- Channel the primal anger of the Lodge of Wrath. Delve into the forbidden lore held by the Lodge of Death. Howl down the thunder with the Lodge of Lightning. Bare your fangs against the twisted scions of the Lodge of Worms. Power and wisdom are there for the taking, for those willing to undertake the rite of passage - and pay the price.
- A character book for Werewolf: The Forsaken
- The higher initiations of werewolf culture; the exclusive brotherhoods that grant added power in exchange for oaths of loyalty.
- New lodge-specific Gifts, rites and other advantages.
- Variable power levels among lodges and design-your-own rules for maximum flexibility.
- Setting information on each lodge makes it easy to include the ones you want in your chronicle.
- Lodges: The Faithful is a supplement for Werewolf: The Forsaken.
- This book includes:
- 34 lodges for players to aspire to, join or oppose
- New Gifts, rites, fetishes and Merits for the initiated elite, and sample characters to act as mentors, allies or enemies
- Guidelines for creating new lodges, from the Storyteller's perspective and as an in-game character goal
Prologue: Blooding[]
Demonstrates that becoming Uratha is a learning process, and shows two werewolves who are quite far apart in that process.
Chapter One: Foundations[]
Explains the process of setting up and maintaining a lodge, from finding and securing a totem to setting down entrance requirements to cementing which benefits are appropriate. The process of characters actually founding a new lodge is difficult, but by no means impossible, and could well be the focus of a chronicle.
Chapter Two: Tribal Lodges[]
Presents five lodges for each of the five Forsaken tribes. Five of these lodges (Garm, Harbingers, Lightning, Seasons and Crows) received brief write-ups in Werewolf: The Forsaken, 10 more were mentioned in the tribal spreads in Chapter Two of that book and the remaining 10 are new to this book. All of these write-ups contain the legendary beginning of the lodge, details on membership and initiation, system prerequisites and benefits - all the sorts of things a player needs. In addition, Storytellers are provided with story seeds to help work the lodge into a chronicle and a fully started member of the lodge for use as a supporting character, inspiration for a players' character or just some an illustration of how the lodge's precepts might be expressed.
- Lodge of Arms
- Lodge of Ashes
- Lodge of Cerberus
- Lodge of Crows
- Lodge of Death
- Lodge of Doors
- Lodge of Garm
- Lodge of Harbingers
- Lodge of Harmony
- Lodge of Lightning
- Lodge of the Maelstrom
- Lodge of Metal
- Lodge of Night
- Lodge of Prophecy
- Lodge of Ruin
- Lodge of Salvation
- Lodge of Scrolls
- Lodge of Seasons
- Lodge of Stones
- Lodge of Swords
- Lodge of Thunder
- Lodge of Voices
- Lodge of Wendigo
- Lodge of Winter
- Lodge of Wrath
Chapter Three: Other Paths[]
Examines cross-tribal lodges. These fraternities are rarer but still out there, and since most player-controlled packs are multi-tribal, these groups might well come in handy for your troupe. However, some of the lodges found may not be openly recruiting - or if they are, it's for no good reason.
- Cult of Bones
- Lodge of the Feast
- Lodge of the Grotto
- Lodge of Mammon
- Lodge of the Savior
- Lodge of Unity
Background Information[]
Memorable Quotes[]
- Bill - Iron Master Irraka former alpha
- Jackie - Iron Master
- Michaela - Iron Master Elodoth
- Finny - Iron Master
- Zee - Iron Master Rahu alpha
- Brother Pride – Iron Master Ithaeur, Lodge of Arms
- Brother Iron – Iron Master Rahu, Lodge of Arms
- Rachel Jackman – Iron Master Cahalith Lodge of Arms member
- Chain-Breaker – Hunter in Darkness, Lodge of Ashes
- Muktar al-Ahsan – Hunter in Darkness Rahu Lodge of Ashes member
- Harold “Grinning Skull” Fairweather – Blood Talon Elodoth Lodge of Cerberus member
- Black Sky – Storm Lord Irraka, Lodge of Crows
- Fading Light – Storm Lore Cahalith, Lodge of Crows
- Kate “Ransom” Raniston – Storm Lord Elodoth Lodge of Crows member
- Jesse “Burning Bones” Cartwright – Bone Shadow Rahu Lodge of Death member
- Francis the Confessor – Bone Shadow Elodoth Lodge of Doors member
- Cara One-Last-Cut – Blood Talon Irraka Lodge of Garm member
- Gretchen Windtaster – Bone Shadow Cahalith Lodge of Harbingers member
- Andie “Wolf’s Grin” Currin – Hunter in Darkness Lodge of Harmony member
- Strength of Rock – Iron Master, Lodge of Lightning
- Toby Carter – Iron Master Elodoth, Lodge of Lightning member
- Ulf Seawatcher – Storm Lord, Lodge of the Maelstrom
- Elizabeth Kreczmar – Storm Lord Ithaeur Lodge of the Maelstrom member
- Mary Sutton – Iron Master Ithaeur Lodge of Metal member
- Walks-From-the-Light – Blood Talon Rahu Lodge of Night member
- Charun Ihitar – Bone Shadow Ithaeur Lodge of Prophecy member
- Esteban, The Prophet of Rust – Hunter in Darkness Ithaeur Lodge of Ruin member
- Absalom - Storm Lord, Lodge of Salvation Founder
- Tom "Chaplain" Moore - Storm Lord Rahu Lodge of Salvation member
- Andreas Wehner - Iron Master Irraka Lodge of Scrolls member
- Melaine Rennes, Winter - Hunter in Darkness Cahalith Lodge of Seasons member
- Alfonso Amaturo - Iron Master, Lodge of Stones
- Stefan Ellis - Iron Master Rahu Lodge of Stones member
- Andrew Blood-from-the-Shadows - Blood Talon Elodoth Lodge of Swords member
- Juno - Storm Lord Cahalith Lodge of Thunder member
- Marie "Silver Mercy" Ives - Bone Shadow Irraka Lodge of Voices member
- Daniel Thunderstar - Blood Talon Irraka Lodge of Wendigo member
- Juan "Vibora" Stroncoso - Storm Lord Irraka Lodge of Winter member
- Chandra Hepp - Hunter in Darkness Elodoth Lodge of Wrath member
- Tanglejaw – Predator King Cult of Bones member
- Christian Barr – Storm Lord Elodoth Lodge of the Feast member
- Skitter – Ghost Wolf Irraka Lodge of the Grotto member
- Josiah Stone – Iron Master Ithaeur Lodge of Mammon member
- Billy the Collar – Iron Master Irraka Lodge of the Savior member
- Soul-of-the-Tribes – Blood Talon Elodoth Lodge of Unity member
First Tongue: Affahissu (Ancestor-Shadow; Spirits related to Ancestor-spirits according to the Lodge of Voices), Ha sehah (I obey; Lodge of Winter), Serthaha (Those who punish; Lodge of Wrath Members), Sulukka (Those who perform ritual cleansings; Lodge of Harmony Members), Gurfuros-Ur (Cerberus, Totem of the Lodge of Cerberus), Garm-Ur (Garm, Totem to the Lodge of Garm), Hithethal-Us (Spirit of the Ashes of the Dead, Totem of the Lodge of Death), Nu Bath Githul (The Herd Must Not Know), Ihitar (Seer, title, Lodge of Prophecy), Ankakumikaityn or Anka-Ur (Nomad Wolf, Totem of the Lodge of Swords), Hissu-Ur (Shadow Wolf, Totem of the Lodge of Voices); Garmir (Member of the Lodge of Garm), Lightning-Dancer (Member of the Lodge of Lightning), Sea-Watchers (Lodge of the Maelstrom Members), Rust-Walkers (Lodge of Ruin Members), Scroll-Keepers (Lodge of Scrolls Members), Lodge of Bricks (Defunct lodge used as a cover by the Lodge of Stones), Querents (Lodge of Voices Members), Burrowers (Folklore calls the Lodge of the Grotto Members), Mammonites (Lodge of Mammon Members), Unifiers (Lodge of Unity Members)
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