Tess Nelson, Ghost Wolf Elodoth member of the Lodge of the Thin Shadow
The Lodge of the Thin Shadow is an elite espionage-focused lodge.
The Lodge formed during the French Revolution, when French Uratha banded together to use stealth and deception to protect themselves, their loved ones, and their territories. This group of like-minded werewolves originally called themselves the Friends of the Shadow (Les Amis d'Ombre) but in 1794 they formed a formal lodge, taking as their totem spirit Fox Master-of-Guile.
The Thin Men spread out across Europe and into North America, but the two world wars badly reduced their numbers. In 1951, all remaining members consolidated in East Berlin, and their staunch secrecy caused many werewolves to forget they even existed. When the Berlin Wall came down in 1989, the Lodge gradually resumed contact with the rest of the world, though many Uratha are loathe to trust an organization with an unknown agenda.
They're right not to. Secretly, in the late 1980s, a group of Fire-Touched wiped out the original Thin Men and persuaded Fox Master-of-Guile to help them impersonate the lodge in order to infiltrate the Tribes of the Moon. They recruit (or kill) Forsaken werewolves and force them to turn against their packs and tribes. However, there are now more (ex-)Forsaken members than there are true Pure, and the lodge is riven by internal unrest as some members try to take their own lodge down from the inside.
Game Mechanics[]
A combination of eight dots in Larceny and Stealth, plus Streetwise •
When one of the Thin Men decides some information is meant to be secret, all members of the lodge become physically unable to reveal that information to non-members. This includes information they might want to reveal (such as 'Our lodge is a Pure front and we're planning to kill you') and extends to even indirect hinting. Most Uratha find Thin Men infuriating to talk to because this ability forces them to speak in riddles.
In addition, all members of the lodge gain access to Stealth Gifts.
Gifts and Rites[]
The Spirits’ Silence (• to •••••): This Gift is used at the same time as another Gift, rite, or fetish, allowing that other ability to be used in total silence.
Rite of the New Coat (•••): With this rite, the Pure can masquerade as members of the Tribes of the Moon even in the Hisil.
- WTF: Lodges: The Splintered, p. 127-132