Fergal Macrea, Blood Talon Ithaeur member of the Lodge of the Rose
The Lodge of the Rose is a mostly Blood Talons lodge that has adopted a version of medieval chivalry.
The Lodge was founded in the mid-18th century, as the first Industrial Revolution caused tremendous social upheaval. For Uratha, the rapid development of firearms had changed the nature of battle, and caused them to rethink their own identities as warriors. The founders of the Rose committed themselves to Romantic ideals and a version of medieval chivalry compatible with the lifestyle of werewolves. Their code relies on the principles of:
- Devotion - Roses take any oath or promise seriously, beyond what's usual for the Uratha or even other Blood Talons. All oaths have the same weight and import to them, so breaking a casual promise to a friend is as grave an offense as breaking the Oath of the Moon. In their view, if one cannot keep a promise except by breaking another, then one should not have made both promises.
- Fealty - Members of the Rose are fanatically loyal to their Lodge, and usually place its demands ahead of other commitments to their pack or territory. The lodge rarely calls on the full strength of such fealty, however.
- Self-sacrifice - Roses are expected to give till it hurts in every aspect of their lives. While this includes being willing to die for a cause, it also encompasses lesser sacrifices, such as donating lavishly to those in need.
In addition, many Roses practice a kind of courtly love, a devotion all the more precious for being unrequited or unconsummated. This may include love for other Uratha, which skirts the edge of the Oath of the Moon. On the other hand, principles like "mercy" that were important to historic ideas of chivalry have a tenuous place in the lives of werewolves, especially given the Blood Talon's tribal oath.
The patron spirit of the Lodge of the Rose is Noble Gryphon. The founder of the Roses died to protect it, and so Noble Gryphon protects the lodge, and sometimes blesses its favored members with an image of itself on their clothes, weapons, or even their body. Membership is strictly invitation-only, and members must demonstrate their understanding of chivalry by completing a quest.
Game Mechanics[]
Glory •• and Honor •••
Members gain the Rose Shield, a supernatural effect that helps them avoid actions that would violate any oaths they have sealed with the Rose Rite. They gain two dice to resist supernatural effects that would cause them to violate the oath, or reflexive Wits + Composure roll to rethink conscious actions.
Oath of the Rose (••): This rite can be used to seal an oath made by a member of the Lodge, and its first use is always to initiate new members. Any oath so sealed is subject to the Rose Shield's benefits.
- WTF: Lodges: The Splintered, p. 107-111