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Jake Westridge, Hunter in Darkness Irraka member of the Lodge of the Lost

The Lodge of the Lost, formerly the Lodge of the Lost Cause, is a lodge of werewolves who sacrificed their futures to defeat a powerful spirit known as the Great Darkness.


The Lost Cause was founded in the early 20th century, as the horrors of World War I and various nationalist movements tore the world apart. Corraggio Evangelista, a Spanish Uratha, journeyed deep into the Hisil in search of a glorious death, but instead found the Sphinx, a spirit that promised him he could serve the greater good, "but you will have no future." Instead, he and the lodge-mates he recruited would die battling a creature called the Great Darkness. The one thing the Sphinx couldn't guarantee was that the lodge would win.[1]

The Lost Cause faced lesser manifestations of the Great Darkness in the United States in 1945 and in Siberia in 1962, and defeated them, though with heavy casualties. These successes eventually attracted a different sort of member to the lodge -- rather than joining because they wanted to die, this new generation wanted to win, and were willing to die if necessary to do it. In 1998, they finally faced the Great Darkness itself in Baluchistan, and overcame it, though only 13 members of the lodge survived. Yet these survivors shared a curious fate: any and all attempts to divine their futures failed completely. It was as if they had none.[2]

Renamed themselves the Lodge of the Lost, these Uratha tried to find a new purpose now that, as far as anyone can tell, the Great Darkness was permanently defeated. They eventually realized that new members recruited to the lodge also acquired their future-less state. This makes the Lodge of the Lost an attractive option for werewolves fleeing a dark fate or ominous portents. Others join the Lost in order to exploit their invisibility to divination, becoming hunters and assassins that absolutely no one can see coming.[3]

Sphinx remains the totem of the Lodge, although it does not directly acknowledge its members; answers and instructions are couched in hypotheticals, such as "Were one of my lodge to do this thing, I would reward them thusly." New members are initiated in a ritual that involves describing how they wish to die, while the ritemaster daubs them in the blood of a prey animal. While in theory the lodge is open to anyone, in practice only the Blood Talons and the Hunters in Darkness usually had the kind of suicidal fervor required, though this is changing now that the Great Darkness is defeated.[4]

Game Mechanics[]




All means of scrying, prophesying, divining or otherwise fortelling the future of a Lodge member fail. They do not provide any information, accurate or inaccurate -- it is simply as if they don't exist. Members likewise cannot use any such powers or participate in rites that depend on them. Divination that targets others never features any of the Lost; they are edited out of any such scryings. This effect is permanent, even if an individual later leaves or is expelled from the lodge.[5]


Rite of the Essence Fence (••••): This rite was originally devised to prevent the Great Darkness from tainting other spirits with its own corruptive Essence. Within an area defined by the rite, Essence cannot be transferred, taken or given by any means. Spirits (and Uratha) can still consume Essence to fuel their powers, but cannot absorb it from other sources. While the rite's duration can vary, in practice it is rarely used for more than a few days at a time, due to the damage it inflicts on the Hisil.[6]


Werewolf: The Forsaken Lodges
First Edition
Blood Talons Lodge of CerberusLodge of the EinherjarLodge of GarmLodge of the Lone WolfLodge of NightLodge of the ShieldLodge of SwordsLodge of Wendigo
Bone Shadows Lodge of BaitalLodge of DeathLodge of DoorsLodge of Hallowed HallsLodge of HarbingersLodge of the Hundred DaysLodge of the Hungry GhostsLodge of ProphecyLodge of the ReapingLodge of Voices
Hunters in Darkness Lodge of AshesThe Brotherhood of Eshu's CapLodge of CarrionLodge of the Empty DenLodge of HarmonyLodge of RuinLodge of SeasonsLodge of the Sleeping BearLodge of Wrath
Iron Masters Lodge of 66Lodge of ArmsLodge of the Hidden HuntLodge of LightningLodge of MetalLodge of ScrollsLodge of SpiresLodge of StonesLodge of Wires
Storm Lords Lodge of CrowsLodge of the Final WinterKshatriyasLodge of the MaelstromLodge of NamarrkunLodge of SalvationLodge of the Shadow's StormLodge of the Shadow ThroneLodge of ThunderLodge of Winter
Auspice Lodge of the BoundaryLodge of the Broken PledgeEigner LodgeLodge of the Endless HorizonLodge of the Fury ChoirLodge of the HazzanLodge of Luna's TearsLodge of LycurgusLodge of the Second MoonriseThe Secret TribunalLodge of the Shadow ThroneLodge of the Spirit ChainsLodge of the Spoken WordLodge of the Starless SkyLodge of the Storm's Eye
Pure Lodge of AbsolutionBlood of KingsCouncil of EaglesLodge of Kin's BloodLodge of Night's FearLodge of PlagueLodge of Sana'aLodge of Vermin's Shadow
Others Lodge of the AdderLodge of ArkadiaThe Armée SauvageLodge of AvalonLodge of the Black WoodsLodge of Bloody SpearsBrotherhood of the Crossed SwordsLodge of ChemicsLodge of the CoyoteLodge of the CrossroadsCult of BonesLodge of EchoesLodge of the Endless MoonLodge of the Fallen IdolLodge of the FeastLodge of Fevered LightLodge of the FirestickLodge of Grey HuntersLodge of the GrottoLodge of Howling DeathLodge of the HuntLodge of IliaLodge of KletbyLodge of the LakeLodge of the LionLodge of LondonLodge of the LostLodge of Luna's DevoteesLodge of MammonLodge of ManiaLodge of the ModernistLodge of the Morning StarLodge of the NahualLodge of PraetorsLodge of QuetzalLodge of the Red SandsLodge of the RoseLodge of the SacrificeLodge of SaintsLodge of the SaviorLodge of ScarsLodge of ScavengersLodge of the ShepherdLodge of SilenceLodge of SongkranLodge of TearsLodge of the Thin ShadowLodge of Two WorldsLodge of the UnionLodge of UnityLodge of the Willow Branch
Mots EiwazValkyrja
Second Edition
Blood Talons Lodge of the Einherjar
Bone Shadows Lodge of the Hundred Days
Hunters in Darkness Lodge of the Hook HandLodge of Sleepless Earth
Iron Masters Lodge of the Shield
Storm Lords Lodge of The Roman Ritual
Ghost Wolves Eaters of the DeadLodge of the Field
Auspice Lodge of the ChronicleLodge of Gargoyles
Pure Lodge of Muspell
Others Lodge of GarmDreaming LodgeLodge of Quicksilver ChildrenLodge of the Screaming MoonThe Temple of ApolloThe Thousand Steel Teeth