Thomas Coldfire, Blood Talon Elodoth founder of the Lodge of the Lone Wolf
The Lodge of the Lone Wolf is a Lodge of the Blood Talons. Members cannot become pack members and must work alone.
The spirit patron of the Lodge of the Lone Wolf is Ya-Dumu, "the Fifth Son", who claims to be the fifth-born offspring of Father Wolf.
The Lodge of the Lone Wolf is a loose, informal organization of these usu-ur (literally "alone wolf") across much of North America and Europe. Since many lone wolves are nomadic, the lodge has no real geographic presence, but members can be encountered along the highways and back roads of the world.
The lodge is watched over by a patron wolf-spirit that calls itself Ya-Dumu, "the Fifth Son." Ya-Dumu claims to be the fifth-born offspring of Father Wolf, who was driven from the Firstborn's pack for being smaller and weaker than his brothers. Thomas Coldfire encountered the spirit in the Rocky Mountains five years ago, and convinced it to serve as the totem of a lodge that would look out for others like themselves.
Only usu-ur may be members of the Lodge of the Lone Wolf. Joining the lodge is difficult, only inasmuch as it's difficult to find an established member to learn about the lodge from. Ya-Dumu is known to roam the Shadow of the world's great mountain ranges - the Rockies, the Alps, the Andres and the like - and a lone wolf traveling through such territory may chance upon the totem and be initiated.
Membership in the Lodge of the Lone Wolf is fluid: new members join occasionally, old members die out or, much less frequently, decide it's time to rejoin society and forge a new pack. While former members who have rejoined a pack are no longer considered to be part of the Lodge of the Lone Wolf, they often maintain contact with other members and tend to be favorably disposed toward aiding their former lodge brothers.
Lone Wolves occasionally travel together in groups, especially through hostile territory, bit they do no (and cannot, if they wish to maintain the benefits of membership) take the step of binding a totem and formalizing a pack bond. As far as lodge membership is concerned, the binding of a totem is what makes a "group" of werewolves into a pack.
Game Mechanics[]
The following are an overview of the game mechanics.
Cannot be a member of a pack.
Ya-Dumu teaches his lodge members to be self-reliant and alert, as they have no brothers to watch their backs. All lodge members receive a free dot in Survival and a +1 bonus on Wits + Composure rolls made for perception.
- WTF: Tribes of the Moon, p. 37-38