Noach Weidenseld, Iron Master Cahalith member of the Lodge of the Fallen Idol
The Lodge of the Fallen Idol is a lodge dedicated to stamping out human religions.
The Fallen Idol has its roots in an earlier lodge based in Vienna, the Lodge of the Hidden Idol, whose members tried to syncretize their Christian upbringing with the truths of the Shadow and their Uratha nature. They became victims of the Inquisition, and the survivors sought a new totem and a new purpose. The lodge remained highly secretive for centuries, though they claim credit for the secularization of France during the 1790s. Once the Spanish Inquisition officially ended in 1834, the Fallen became gradually less insular, and when they began actively recruiting in 1971, most Uratha in Europe and North America were not overly surprised.[1]
To the Fallen Idol, religion and superstition are toxic forces that must be stamped out. Religion is used to justify war, murder, and environmental destruction; the rituals are pale parodies of actual spirit rites, either useless mummery or effective ways for humans to invoke powers they don't understand and are unequipped to handle. This does not mean that all members of the lodge are militants who burn churches, though that faction is present. They also are careful to direct their opposition to all religions equally, and expel members who try to use the lodge as a vehicle for more specific prejudices.[2]
The lodge's patron is Ningizzida, the Serpent of Truth. While Ningizzida never lies, it freely misleads with technicalities. To join the Fallen Idol, initiates must endure Ningizzida's bite; to about one in five, its venom is fatal.[3]
Game Mechanics[]
Academics ••[4]
The Lodge of the Fallen Idol is well-organized within the human world, and members of the organization will generally look out for one another and provide aid when they can, especially if doing so furthers the cause of the lodge.
Because the Venom of Truth has coursed through the veins of all the lodge’s members, they gain two bonus dice to defend against any attacks that would make them doubt their own cause or look to an unprovable supernatural explanation. In addition, they gain one bonus die to all Social rolls to make someone question their faith.
Because they lack the moral security that religion provides many, all Harmony checks made by the werewolf at a one-die penalty.
Eyes of the Unproven (•): This fetish is a thin gauze strip, fashioned as a blindfold. When the Eyes are tied around the Uratha’s head, the character’s vision is attuned to the presence of faith of an area or person for the duration of the scene. (For the purposes of the fetish, "faith" is defined as believe in something unproven and perhaps unproveable.) The intensity of faith manifests as clouds of smoke in the wearer's vision.
- ↑ WTF: Lodges: The Splintered, p. 49-50
- ↑ WTF: Lodges: The Splintered, p. 50-51
- ↑ WTF: Lodges: The Splintered, p. 52
- ↑ WTF: Lodges: The Splintered, p. 53