The Lodge of the Adder is a small Lodge of Forsaken from Britain.
The Lodge of the Adder is named for the only poisonous snake in the British Isles. Very few Uratha even know this group exists, and its members are sworn on life-oaths never to reveal their allegiance. In this way, the Lodge of the Adder seems to be more of an urban legend than a real group, and those who have heard of the lodge often misinterpret the lodge as a group of Bale Hounds seeking to murder other Forsaken. In truth, the Lodge of the Adder is a lodge dedicated to working against the enemies of the Uratha by extremely subtle means. Arranging ambushes consisting of dozens of hired spirits in the spirit wilds for shartha to run into and be destroyed without any werewolves even being there, the poisoning of a Pure pack leader days before an assault on a Forsaken hunting ground, the disappearance of a powerful fetish that would have made a dangerous werewolf into a tyrant - these are the moves that the Adders use in their games.
- CofD: Shadows of the UK, p. 92