Juan Stroncoso, Irraka member of the Lodge of Winter
Like other Storm Lord lodges such as the Crows and Thunder Lords, the Lodge of Winter is predicated on a philosophy of gaining power.
The spirit patron of the Lodge of Winter is one of the myriad storm-spirits brought to heel by Skolis-Ur, Grandfather Winter.
The Winter Lords believe in a path to power that is cold, slow and inexorable. When approaching a new target or problem, they begin by gathering information quietly and subtly, like a slight chill in the air. As they begin to discover weaknesses in their enemies, they maneuver into place to exploit those weaknesses, preparing mystical attacks and careful battle plans as neatly as the silent first fingers of frost. When, at last, they’re ready to unleash the full brunt of their offensive, the winter storm hits without warning. The lodge places more than a little emphasis on the cerebral. The wisest among the lodge members are the most revered, while stories of reckless abandon impress lodge members not at all. Winter Lords tend to favor mystical and spiritual power over raw physical might; they pursue new Gifts and rites more vigorously than other Storm Lords, and are quick to incorporate those abilities into their tactics. The Lodge of Winter is centrally organized, in particular tied into the Storm Lords tribe. The Lodge of Winter is noted as one of the “three pillars of the storm,” and most Storm Lords know at least the rumors of a Winter Lord’s location. Winter Lords meet infrequently, usually during the winter, to perform ritual sacrifice to their patron spirits and exchange tales, tactics and mystical lore. They work well with werewolves of other tribes, most notably the Bone Shadows, but are averse to considering any but Storm Lords for lodge membership. Philosophical differences aside, it’s not likely Grandfather Winter would approve.
Entering the Lodge of Winter is not a quick process — if it were, that would defeat the point. A would-be Winter Lord must first impress a lodge member in good standing with their potential. That potential is then tested over several months, as the Winter Lord watches over the aspiring initiate and measures their capacity for patience and perseverance. This period usually lasts from three to nine months, but is said to have run for years in some cases. The Winter Lord doesn’t tell their charge exactly when they’ll be allowed to take the ordeal until they're actually ready. Initiation into the lodge always takes place during winter. The initiation rite matches many Storm Lord initiation rites — a test of endurance and willpower first and foremost. Where the winter initiation rites vary is in the principle of testing the applicant’s ability to think during privation. The applicant is taken out into a desolate stretch of land during a particularly cold winter night — during a snowstorm is ideal. There, they are given a complicated puzzle, a series of riddles or a scavenger hunt to solve. The nature of the intellectual challenge is always such that it cannot be solved immediately. The initiate is being tested on their ability to concentrate and think laterally even while distracted by severe discomfort. If the initiate fails the test, they may not attempt to enter the lodge again until the next winter (barring extraordinary deeds that cannot help but impress other Winter Lords). If they succeed, the other Winter Lords presiding work the initiation rite into a warming ritual — it’s most common to rub the new member in the still-warm ashes of a just-extinguished fire, finally cleansing them with melted snow. Urban legend holds that the initiation always marks a Winter Lord with a white streak of hair or patch of fur; though not universally true, it has been known to happen, and some Lords will bleach a part of their hair simply to play up the mystique.
Game Mechanics[]
The following are an overview of the game mechanics.
- Resolve ••
- Rituals ••
- Wisdom •••
Winter Lords may learn Insight Gifts as affinity Gifts. In addition, a member is taught a rite of her choice (dependent as usual on her Rituals trait) upon entry to the lodge. This free rite costs no experience points.
Blinding the Eye ••••: Members of the Lodge of Winter continually search out new rites of all sorts, but are of course partial to those rites that increase their personal power. Blinding the Eye is an example of the worst of these rites, those that do not enhance the ritemaster so much as weaken or injure their enemies. The werewolf with this rite who obtains a personal possession or bit of body matter from a target can use it as a bridge to strike their enemy blind. Though the effects are not usually permanent, a cunning Storm Lord will time the rite for maximum effect — during a target’s morning commute, for instance.
Rite of the Alpha’s Blessing ••••: This rite is a particular favorite of the Lodge of Winter’s ritualists, as it offers power for power — those who obey the ritemaster are rewarded with spiritual might. According to lore, the rite was originally stolen from the Ivory Claws, who used it to cement their leadership position over the other Pure. This rite works only on participants who are willing to swear obedience to the ritemaster; for as long as they follow the ritemasters orders, they are mystically fortified, but should they disobey or question at any point, the blessing ends. Despite the relatively painless consequences of disobedience, many Uratha are unwilling to receive the blessings of this rite — particularly other Storm Lords. It is a rite that offers its power only to those who are willing to bend knee.
The Rose Among Thorns (•••): This fetish was created by Storm Lords of the Lodge of Winter to aid in their quest for Wisdom. The vessel for the raven-spirit within normally looks like a ring or pendant with several previous stones clustered together. One stone is always different from the others. This fetish adds two dice to any Mental dice pool made as an attempt to sense something out of place for a scene - as such it has many, many applications. The fetish can be used once in every 24 hours.
- Durability 2 (reinforced to 5), Size 0, Structure 5
- Action: Instant[1]
- WTF: Lodges: The Faithful, p. 110-113
- ↑ WTF: Lore of the Forsaken, p. 155