The Lodge of Vermin's Shadow is a Lodge of the Predator Kings.
Some Predator Kings find a home within the cities, among the downtrodden, the destitute and the outcasts on the streets. Many among the Lodge of Vermin's Shadow lack the wherewithal to interact with humans without arousing suspicion or exposing the werewolves' feral natures, so they dwell with those people that society largely ignores. From this habit of finding a home among the humans who live "unseen in plain sight," the Lodge of Vermin's Shadow was born.
Werewolves of this lodge are part neighborhood stalkers, part informants, part urban scouts and part shamans of the city's Shadow. Surviving on the streets is a hard life that requires tenacity and strength, and most Predator Kings have that in spades. When in their urban hunting grounds, these Uratha can pinpoint the best site for an ambush, and they know all the escape routes from wherever they find themselves in trouble. They know the urban Shadow-beings and their strange ways as comprehensively, and perhaps even more so, than other Predator Kings talk of wilderness-spirits. For many within the tribe, life of survival against the odds and ruthless competence, as well as a way of acquiring a host of new skills.
Members of the Lodge of Vermin's Shadow are occasionally referred to as the "gutter wolves" by other Ninna Farakh, who ridicule both the lodge totem (a vicious dog-spirit that shows signs of physical abuse of its corpus) and the lifestyle of the lodge members, who are considered by some to be living among the waste of humanity.