The Lodge of the Roman Ritual is a Lodge of the Storm Lords.
Ever since that movie came out back in the '70s, "exorcism" has been a pop-culture buzzword. The Storm Lords of the Lodge of the Roman Ritual pass themselves off as inheritors of an ancient tradition, but the truth is they were just as inspired by Max Von Sydow as anybody else. Using a blend of Catholic ritual and Uratha animism, they "hunt" their sacred prey not by tearing them limb from limb but by forcibly extracting the spirits from their victims' souls.
Members of the lodge are all priests of the Roman Catholic Church and all are authorized to perform exorcisms. They operate out of dioceses around the world, but the heart of the organization is Rome. Lay brethren (as the lodge calls its Wolf-Blooded members) also operate hospices where they treat the physical and spiritual scars all too often left in the aftermath of possession.
In most of the world where the Church has a presence, odds are at least one Storm Lord has a number she can call, and a lodge member will be there within a few days. The phone doesn't ring all that often - too many Storm Lords see calling for help as a violation of their tribal oath - but when the prey is your son, your brother, or your best friend, that call can be mighty tempting.