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Mary Silent-Running, Lodge of Scavengers Member

The Lodge of Scavengers is a lodge of Forsaken in Britain.

The spirit patron of the Lodge of Scavengers is the Red Scavenger.


The Lodge of Scavengers was founded on a fundamental principle of the Forsaken's existence in the British Isles - survival, no matter the cost. Decades ago, when the lodge first began to spread among the cities and towns of England, it spread like wildfire among the downtrodden, the homeless and the urban scavengers who already stalked the streets after nightfall. Since then, the lodge has hardly spread at all, and though no social class or tribal restrictions apply to membership, this is a group that attracts more werewolves from poor backgrounds and from the streets than any other lodge.

The core drive behind the Lodge of Scavengers is that even the downtrodden and the destitute can survive and hold territory, either by scrounging a living in the wilderness or by picking through the bones of cities. Interestingly, it is common for entire packs to consist of "bone-pickers" (as the lodge members are often called) though it isn't rare for a pack consisting of a variety of members to have a single member of the lodge. There is always room for prejudice, tribal allegiance or not, but werewolves of this lodge quickly prove their worth through their urban survival skills and cunning when it comes to finding hiding places.

Tapping into police radio signals is a common trick for bone-pickers to keep tabs on what's going on within the local area, and many a locus has a jury-rigged police scanner setup nearby. Any technology that can be scavenged and put to new use in defending a hunting ground or staying aware of local events is invaluable to the werewolves sworn to Red Scavenger.

Rahu of the lodge often excel in guerrilla warfare within urban battlegrounds. Indeed, this type of combat is a specialty of this lodge, and members hone their skills in city-based conflict with each violent encounter. Surprise strikes and cunning utilization of landmarks and terrain work to the lodge members' advantage. When a werewolf pack finds itself in trouble, the Rahu often leap from rooftop to rooftop in order to ambush the enemy from behind, the Ithaeur turn the local spirits against the opponents and the Irraka will almost certainly knows the closest place to lie low if the battle brings too much of the wrong attention.

Many Ithaeur of the Lodge of Scavengers are among the most-skilled negotiators imaginable in dealings with urban-spirits. Experience at surviving in the city and its Shadow have honed these spirit-talkers into experts when it comes to knowing just what local spirits desire and require to survive themselves. Whether working out a spirit's ban, offering what it needs or determining its weakness in battle, Crescent Moons in this lodge have a certain knack at picking through the city's bones in order to learn what they must. Many have established webs of spirit contacts (if not allies, then at least not enemies) that can be bribed or cajoled into rendering assistance or lending aid. The spirits can at least notice and respect a werewolf who lives his life among the scars and bones of a city, and this can make all the difference between an Ithaeur who can deal with urban-spirits and an Ithaeur who has lived all his life down in the scares with the spirits he deals with.

Fox-spirits (and their physical counterparts) are greatly respected by members of the lodge, for obvious reasons. Rather than revere the mythological trickster aspect of the animal, these werewolves admire the fox as a survivor and an urban scavenger beyond compare - a creature able to so completely adapt from the wilds to the cities and actually prosper while doing so. This is a notion that appeals to a great many Hunters in Darkness, especially those forced from their rural territories by the Pure or other Forsaken. Though Hunters in Darkness and Iron Masters make up perhaps half of this lodge, there is no shortage of any tribe among the werewolves sworn to Red Scavenger.

A final subtle ideal behind the Lodge of Scavenger is to become as self-sufficient as possible in the urban regions of Britain, without necessarily needing to rely on human comforts to stay alive. Few bone-pickers shy away completely from their mortal side, but the lodge puts a great deal of emphasis on being able to go to ground and survive in the urban "wilderness" should the need arise. For some, this becomes a way of life - for others, this is comply an eventuality they are prepared for. Couple this self-sufficiency and survival experience with the talents of many lodge members at urban warfare and dealing with spirits, and it is easy to see why the Lodge of Scavengers is popular among the city-based Forsaken, even those with personal prejudices toward the homeless.

Patron: The Red Scavenger[]

The Red Scavenger is in some ways a reluctant totem. She is a loner by nature and lacks the pack instinct that binds the werewolves together. In a way, their affection and dependence upon one another (and their dependence on her) frightens the fox-spirit a great deal. Without her influence, the Lodge of Scavengers could not exist, and, at the same time as fear, this also fills her with conflicting pride.

The Red Scavenger constantly walks the cities and the wilds between urban areas. Lodge members are unsure whether this is purely down to her wanderlust and lone scavenger lifestyle or whether it conceals a desire to secretly check up on the werewolves sworn to her. At least once a year, a bone-picker will have some form of contact with the lodge totem, be it a full encounter and conversation (perhaps with favors exchanged) or a mere glimpse of a fiery red shape out of the corner of the eye. One way or another, the Red Scavenger keeps aware of her adopted children and lets them know she is still out there.

Once a year on the vernal equinox, the Lodge of Scavengers gathers deep within the London Underground and prepares to meet the Red Scavenger once again. It is tradition that only 100 lodge members need to attend, but bone-pickers from all over the country meet here out of curiosity, pride and to make certain that the required number of attendees is met. At this annual meeting, the Red Scavenger manifests and states her intention to continue serving as patron to the lodge. It is commonly presumed she observes the behavior of each members over the year and bases her decision on what she sees; none wish to consider just what would happen should the fox-spirit deem her werewolves unworthy, for surely the lodge would disband and rumble within months.

Joining the Lodge[]

To join the Lodge of Scavengers, a werewolf has to attend the vernal equinox meeting (in mid-March) in the London Underground. The difficulty is that no bone-picker ever reveals the details of the meeting to non-members, and that means a werewolf who wishes to join needs to find out everything on his own.

The most obvious method for most werewolves is to follow an established member to the meeting. Bone-pickers are encourage to attempt to shake off any pursuers in this manner, but should a Uratha be a skilled enough tracker and stalker, he has a chance to find the tunnels and platforms where the underground rites are held.

Another method that draws potential members - some of whom may never have even heard of the Lodge of Scavengers or ever expressed an interest in joining - is down to many werewolves' inherent understanding of the Shadow. The meeting in the London Underground creates ripples in the local Shadow of London subtly reacts to the influx of powerful new beings in the city. It is not a storm of change, but more a series of minor echoes that the truly aware will detect and possibly investigate. Uratha who succeed in their investigations are likely to walk into the underground gathering, and will be offered a place in the Lodge of Scavengers for their insight and cunning.

In rare cases, a werewolf will arrive at the gathering and claim to have been invited by Red Scavenger herself. These instances are incredibly rare, happening no more than a few times every year. It seems that during her year's travels, Red Scavenger manifests before extremely promising candidates and revels the location of the next underground conclave. She says nothing beyond the date and location, and it is down to individual werewolves whether they accept the enigmatic invitation and discover what it portends.

Game Mechanics[]


Applicants must have the Survival Skill Specialty: Urban as well as a Streetwise of 2 or more, and a minimum of Cunning •• and Purity •.


Lodge members spend their lives coming to understand the complexities of the cities and the urban Shadow. The following Skills cost new dots x2 instead of new dots x3 when buying them with experience points: Drive, Survival, Streetwise and Subterfuge. Stealth Gifts and Technology Gifts also become affinity Gifts when paid for with experience points.


  • Menu hover bulletMenu hover bulletMenu bulletMenu bulletMenu bullet Money Spider Card: This fetish is made by binding a small spider-spirit (usually the spirit of a money spider, but any household arachnid will suffice) into a credit card, marked with the First Tongue glyph for "spider." When activated and put into an ATM, the card allows the werewolf to enter the bank account that was last accessed through the machine, as if the user had entered the correct PIN himself. A Money Spider Card only allows access to the account checked immediately before the fetish was inserted into the machine, but lets the werewolf check the balance, change the PIN or withdraw money as if the account were his own.
  • Action: Reflexive
  • Menu hover bulletMenu hover bulletMenu hover bulletMenu bulletMenu bullet Spider Gem: Often regarded as a beneficiary creatures in British mythology, the spider occupies a unique position in the mindset of many Uratha, for although individual spider-spirits can be beneficial and helpful, the beings themselves are often seen as tainted by their distant ties to the Azlu and the Spinner-Hag. But still, a surprising number of British Forsaken truck with the spirits and bind them into traditional fetishes. One such useful tool is the Spider Gem, which takes the form of a common pebble or stone, featuring the glyph for "spider" scratched into the surface.
  • When worn next to the skin and activated, the Spider Gem allows the werewolf to cling to walls and ceilings in the manner of a spider. The fetish-bearer effectively gains the use of the Numen: Wall Climb, as described on p. 240 of Werewolf: The Forsaken, and is subject to the benefits and drawbacks according to the rules presented there.
  • Action: Instant


Werewolf: The Forsaken Lodges
First Edition
Blood Talons Lodge of CerberusLodge of the EinherjarLodge of GarmLodge of the Lone WolfLodge of NightLodge of the ShieldLodge of SwordsLodge of Wendigo
Bone Shadows Lodge of BaitalLodge of DeathLodge of DoorsLodge of Hallowed HallsLodge of HarbingersLodge of the Hundred DaysLodge of the Hungry GhostsLodge of ProphecyLodge of the ReapingLodge of Voices
Hunters in Darkness Lodge of AshesThe Brotherhood of Eshu's CapLodge of CarrionLodge of the Empty DenLodge of HarmonyLodge of RuinLodge of SeasonsLodge of the Sleeping BearLodge of Wrath
Iron Masters Lodge of 66Lodge of ArmsLodge of the Hidden HuntLodge of LightningLodge of MetalLodge of ScrollsLodge of SpiresLodge of StonesLodge of Wires
Storm Lords Lodge of CrowsLodge of the Final WinterKshatriyasLodge of the MaelstromLodge of NamarrkunLodge of SalvationLodge of the Shadow's StormLodge of the Shadow ThroneLodge of ThunderLodge of Winter
Auspice Lodge of the BoundaryLodge of the Broken PledgeEigner LodgeLodge of the Endless HorizonLodge of the Fury ChoirLodge of the HazzanLodge of Luna's TearsLodge of LycurgusLodge of the Second MoonriseThe Secret TribunalLodge of the Shadow ThroneLodge of the Spirit ChainsLodge of the Spoken WordLodge of the Starless SkyLodge of the Storm's Eye
Pure Lodge of AbsolutionBlood of KingsCouncil of EaglesLodge of Kin's BloodLodge of Night's FearLodge of PlagueLodge of Sana'aLodge of Vermin's Shadow
Others Lodge of the AdderLodge of ArkadiaThe Armée SauvageLodge of AvalonLodge of the Black WoodsLodge of Bloody SpearsBrotherhood of the Crossed SwordsLodge of ChemicsLodge of the CoyoteLodge of the CrossroadsCult of BonesLodge of EchoesLodge of the Endless MoonLodge of the Fallen IdolLodge of the FeastLodge of Fevered LightLodge of the FirestickLodge of Grey HuntersLodge of the GrottoLodge of Howling DeathLodge of the HuntLodge of IliaLodge of KletbyLodge of the LakeLodge of the LionLodge of LondonLodge of the LostLodge of Luna's DevoteesLodge of MammonLodge of ManiaLodge of the ModernistLodge of the Morning StarLodge of the NahualLodge of PraetorsLodge of QuetzalLodge of the Red SandsLodge of the RoseLodge of the SacrificeLodge of SaintsLodge of the SaviorLodge of ScarsLodge of ScavengersLodge of the ShepherdLodge of SilenceLodge of SongkranLodge of TearsLodge of the Thin ShadowLodge of Two WorldsLodge of the UnionLodge of UnityLodge of the Willow Branch
Mots EiwazValkyrja
Second Edition
Blood Talons Lodge of the Einherjar
Bone Shadows Lodge of the Hundred Days
Hunters in Darkness Lodge of the Hook HandLodge of Sleepless Earth
Iron Masters Lodge of the Shield
Storm Lords Lodge of The Roman Ritual
Ghost Wolves Eaters of the DeadLodge of the Field
Auspice Lodge of the ChronicleLodge of Gargoyles
Pure Lodge of Muspell
Others Lodge of GarmDreaming LodgeLodge of Quicksilver ChildrenLodge of the Screaming MoonThe Temple of ApolloThe Thousand Steel Teeth