The Lodge of Sana'a, also known as the Qat Chewers, is a Lodge of the Pure Tribes in Yemen.
While the Pure do not hold dominance or even a significant population within the Middle East, they do have some places of power. The Pure in the old walled city of Sana'a, in Yemen, believe that the Forsaken are worthless enemies. Luna's werewolves are trying to hold back the storm by shouting at it; their efforts are futile. Humans, on the other hand, make a frightening effect on the two worlds. Because of humanity, the worlds remain separate, and paradise remains out of reach. Humans are therefore the enemy.
These werewolves recognize the uselessness of attacking humanity: it would be as futile as the Forsaken's task of bringing order to the Shadow. Instead, these Pure have decided to let humankind destroy itself. The Pure merely hand humans the tools, and let them build their own gallows and hang their own nooses.
The Pure form the Lodge of Sana'a, sometimes called the "Qat Chewers," named after the addictive habit of most Yemeni men. (Qat is a leaf one chews and provides the chewer with the warring sensation of both amphetamines and alcohol, fast and slow. The werewolves use qat every day, and claim it not only froths them up for war but also grants them easier access to the Hisil.) The Pure in the area join the lodge, or they are exiled from Yemen. the lodge itself has its hands in various illicit behaviors: gun-running, drug smuggling, misogyny, terrorism. The members of the lodge work in coordination with a local vampire "family," the Tathari. Anything to help push the monkeys back up their trees, or kill them outright.