The Lodge of Muspell is a Lodge of the Fire-Touched during 700 CE - 1100 CE.
The spirit patron of the Lodge of Muspell is Surtr.
In the fiery realm of Múspellheim the Fire Giants wait for the coming war with the gods. As Ragnarök rages, they will spill forth at the command of their leader, the great jötunn Surtr. With his terrible flaming sword he will ride to Asgard, shattering the Bifröst on his path to slaying the great god Freyr.
Among Fire-Touched raised in the old faith, actual loyalty to the gods of Asgard is rare, and those who believe in them are far more enthused by their downfall. Members of this lodge have pledged themselves to the denizens of Múspellheim, and to battle against the gods of humanity at Ragnarök. Entry to this plane is normally barred by the giant Surtr, the supposed totem of the lodge. The tale of how the original members of the lodge went about finding this place and winning Surtr's patronage is reserved for the most renowned and distinguished members.
Initiates into the lodge must be branded with crude, angular runes passed down by its members. This ordeal is excruciatingly painful and is naturally relished by some of the Izidakh. In the week after initiation, members gain significant muscle mass and grow up to a foot taller. Even members who are abnormally large to begin with gain a few inches and broaden noticeably.
- CofD: Chronicles of Darkness: Dark Eras, p. 166-167
- CofD: Dark Eras: The Wolf and the Raven, p. 28-29