The Lodge of Garm is a lodge under the Blood Talons tribe.[1]
In human mythology, the wolf Garm is the wolf that is supposed to kill Tyr, a god of war, in Ragnarok. The Blood Talons believes that Garm is the child of Fenris Wolf, the spiritual embodiment of perfection in battle.
The Lodge of Garm pushes themselves to be the best in battle and the most clever to outmaneuver their foes.
The wolves who are a member of this lodge, make exceptional pack leaders due to their skill in battle and tactics and although not all become leaders, almost all are a member of a pack.
Members of this lodge bear their allegiance openly, sometimes by branding or scarification of ancient runes.
Game Mechanics First Edition[]
The following are an overview of the game mechanics.[2]
- Harmony: 7 or higher
- Glory: 2 dots or higher
- Brawl, Weaponry or Firearms: 4 dots or higher
- All members of the Blood Talons can petition for a membership.
- One minor fetish - either a weapon or a Mercy Gem.
- Experience cost of the skills; Brawl, Weaponry, Athletics and Persuasion have been lowered to dots*2.
Egelsbrand (**): The Lodge of Garm has a long tradition of softening its targets with ranged attacks before charging into battle. The lodge gives this fetish to some of its new members to make them more deadly in the first turns of combat. This scar resembles the eyes and beak of a raptor. It gives the warrior of Garm +2 to any Athletics roll for the turn after it is activated. Any raptor-spirit can power it.
This branding is normally done on the throwing arm of the Uratha. It, and the Uratha, must suffer 2 levels of aggravated damage on this spot to destroy the fetish brand.
Action: Reflexive[3]
Triumph Rune (••): Carved or branded onto the skin, these runes are the signs that a werewolf has come up against the worst horrors from the Shadow and lived to tell the tale. If the unopposed threat would have ravaged the hunting ground in a matter of days or killed the entire pack without the Garmir’s presence, only then may he take a Triumph Rune to show his victory over the enemy. Lesser foes might warrant runic scars, but Triumph Runes are like no other ritual symbols. They consist of three runes, entwined at the tips. These detail the type of creature overcome, the werewolf’s own name and whether the creature was destroyed or simply beaten from the territory. There is no lessening of the honor if a creature is simply defeated and not killed, for it is the result of the battle that counts. Garmir bear these runes with pride, and the most popular locations for the symbols are the forearms and the nape of the neck. When activated, the runes bleed as though they had just been cut into the flesh. The Rage-spirit within exults at this bloodletting, creating an aura of heightened fear and tension around the werewolf. The character gains a +1 bonus to Defense against all opponents in hand-to-hand combat as they suffer the effects of intense wariness and fear. Opponents can resist this effect with a Composure + Primal Urge roll. The Defense bonus effects of multiple Triumph Runes do not stack.
Rune-Klaive (+•): When a weapon is created, be it in the fires of the forge or from the living wood of a tree, a Garmir has the option of making a Rune-Klaive. An existing weapon cannot be made into a Rune-Klaive: it is only possible to create one of these weapons whole. Scratched or acid-etched into the weapon’s metallic surface are hundreds of tiny runes flowing in a continuous (if jagged) trail. When read in order, these runes tell the story of Garm the God-Killer. Rune-Klaives can take many forms: hammers (or “Rune-Mauls”), axes, swords and fang-shaped daggers are all likely. A Rune-klaive is the only weapon, other than the blade of a fallen foe, sanctified for ritually scarring a character. Traditionally, ancestor-spirits (if they were Garmir) or predator-spirits of any variety from cats to hawks are bound into these weapons. Creating a Rune-Klaive can be a trial even above making a standard fetish weapon. A spirit hostile to Garm will regard the fetish as poorly made (–1 on the Fetish Rite table, see p. 162 of Werewolf: The Forsaken). When activated, the weapon within functions per the klaive’s standard ability for whatever spirit is bound within. In addition to this, the character gains an aura of predatory confidence around him. Allies within line of sight can see the legendary runes on this weapon and feel likewise inspired. For each success on the activation roll, all allies within line of sight regain a Willpower point. This effect can be invoked only once in any 24-hour period.
Game Mechanics Second Edition[]

Lodge of Garm Member
The following are an overview of the game mechanics.[4]
- Blessing: A Lodge member adds 5 dice rather than 3 when spending willpower to augment an attack roll against another werewolf
- Aspiration: To be defeated in battle by a superior foe.
- Ban: A Lodge member must always be the last of her pack to retreat from a battle or confrontation.
The Sacred Hunt[]
The Lodge Sacred Hunt grants your character the ability to sense if the prey has a Primal Urge of 6 or higher. Your character retains her full Defense when making an all-out attack against such prey.
The Lodge of Garm has access to the Lodge Armory Merit (•••) or (•••••)
Uma Suguthkuth[]
Prerequisites: Strength 3, Brawl 4
Effect: Your character has trained in the ritualized art of killing known as the Uma Suguthkuth. This style developed over centuries and Lodge practitioners use it as a technique for rending Essence and slaying werewolves with great spiritual might.
Uma Suguthkuth can normally only be used with unarmed attacks or natural weapons. A Lodge-made fetish weapon called a Predator’s Doom (•••) is an exception to this, and does allow its wielder to use the fighting style with that weapon. A Predator’s Doom is usually in the form of an axe, glaive, or spear.
- Essence Spasm (•): The Garmir may use Essence Spasm by spending 1 point of Essence when she inflicts damage on a werewolf. For the remainder of the scene, the prey loses the 10-again benefit on dice pools that include his Primal Urge and suffers his Primal Urge as a penalty to his Initiative.
- Primal Wound (••): The Garmir may use Primal Wound by spending 1 point of Essence when she inflicts damage on a werewolf. For the next turn, the prey is treated as Primal Urge 1 for the purposes of regenerating Lethal damage.
- Flense Shape (•••): The Garmir may use Flense Shape by spending 1 point of Essence when she inflicts damage on a werewolf. On his following turn, the prey must succeed at a Stamina + Resolve – the prey’s own Primal Urge roll or be forced to change into another form of his choosing; if he is in Gauru then he does not need to change, but he does lose his Primal Urge bonus to the number of turns he can retain the form for. Flense Shape has no effect on characters experiencing Death Rage.
- Essence Bleed (••••): The Garmir may inflict Essence Bleed as a Tilt as a result of a Brawl attack to the victim’s head or through the Weaken the Prey ability of the Urshul form. While suffering Essence Bleed, the prey automatically expends all remaining Essence per turn that he can at the end of his turn, bleeding it away into nothing. Essence Bleed lasts for three turns.
- Jaws of Garm (•••••): The Garmir may use Jaws of Garm when dealing damage in a grapple to prey that has already taken at least 1 point of aggravated damage. The Garmir spends 1 point of Essence and adds half the prey's Primal Urge to damage.
Reference List[]
- ↑ WTF: Werewolf: The Forsaken Rulebook, p. 201-202
- ↑ WTF: Lodges: The Faithful, p. 53-56
- ↑ WTF: Lore of the Forsaken, p. 154
- ↑ WTF: The Pack, p. 82-83