The Lodge of Gargoyles is a Lodge of the Irraka.
The spirit patron of the Lodge of Gargoyles is Black Rat. Also, the Lodge of Spires is very similar to this Lodge.
This young lodge only admits Irraka, and has almost no following outside of the New England states. Formed by a werewolf who lost a leg in a battle with an Azlu, the Lodge of Gargoyles trains new-moon assassins in the art of striking from above. These werewolves use long-range weapons - rifles and bows, usually - to bring their prey low, silently and effectively. Many of the lodge members are practitioners of free-running, enabling them to leap from building to building with ease.
The patron spirit of the lodge is Black Rat. The story that the lodge founder tell is this: She was on the hunt one night, and found herself sitting on a gargoyle lining up a shot at her prey. The target was about to walk behind a door, breaking her sightline, but then a huge black rat emerged from the shadows and startled him. Her aim was true - one bullet did the job. The hunt was completed, she found the rat... which was missing one of its hind legs. From that odd union, the Lodge of Gargoyles was born.
This lodge trains its few members in sniping, acrobatics, parkour, and using gravity and height to best advantage. Rumor has it that a member of the Lodge of Gargoyles cannot be killed by a fall of any height. Darker rumors suggest that Black Rat requires a sacrifice of flesh after a certain number of kills, and that the founder of the lodge had both legs when she met that rat.