The Lodge of Chemics is a lodge dedicated to experimenting on Uratha physiology.
The first members of the lodge focused on pharmacology, hence the name. They wanted to understand how Uratha bodies react to drugs and other substances, and in particular, how their reactions change as they change forms. They approach most problems from the vantage point of the scientific method, with systematic testing and observation. Despite their reputation for partying hard, they're not actually all that reckless - just curious.
The patron of the Chemics is a spirit called Feral Cat. While the members of the tribe are all Iron Masters currently, they would be happy to induct a new member from the other tribes. Prospective members must not only be willing to test a drug in the presence of established members, but also able to recount how they've solved past problems through trial and error. If Feral Cat is suitably impressed, she accepts the new member.
Game Mechanics[]
Cunning •, Science •• (Spe-cialty: Chemistry), Medicine ••
Members of the Lodge of Chemics add one die to any roll to resist the adverse effects of a drug. Additionally, the lodge offers excellent training, much of it based on personal experience, in Medicine and Science, reducing the costs of raising those two skills.
- WTF: Blood of the Wolf, p. 26