White Wolf Wiki

Queen Lir, the Frost Queen, is a Fuath Denizen.


Queen Lir

Widely known as the Frost Queen, there are few in the Winterweir who do not fear this powerful fuath monarch. The offspring of a fuath sorceress and a powerful fomorian lord, Lir spent her formative years in a hidden temple dedicated to the White Court. When she emerged, she swiftly took power within her own tribe, killing its high priestess, then exporting war and terror throughout the Forest of Lies. Ruthless and ambitious, Lir now rules much of the Winterweir with a cruel but artful hand. The tribes of the surrounding woodland are almost evenly split between the Frost Queen's forces and those who oppose her. Lir appears as either a typical fuath with goat-legs in her Dioniae Ariá or as a beautiful and commanding woman with white hair in her human form. The Frost Queen has many strange abilities and is rumored to be able to freeze her victims solid with a glance. Her enemies decorate her wintry garden as frozen statues, each with their hearts or eyes missing, but still alive and aware. Although she has suffered the occasional setback, her power seems to grow with each passing winter. Now, with the awakening of the second fomorian court and the continuing dissolution of the troll-fuath alliance that opposes her, it would seem that there is little stopping her.


  1. CTD. Denizens of the Dreaming, pp. 91-92.