White Wolf Wiki
White Wolf Wiki



Early History[]

Dark Ages[]


Victorian Age[]

In the late 1830s, the Cabal of Pure Thought was largely purged from the Order of Reason. Most Gabrielites couldn't correlate their belief that they were channeling the power of God with the increasing secularist attitude of the rest of the Order.

However, some few members believed that reason and deduction were gifts from God, and thus they were able to coexist with the rest of the Order.

During the Albertan Reformation of 1851, the remnants of the Cabal of Pure Thought of the Order of Reason were reforged as the Lightkeepers. The new Convention joined the Ivory Tower political bloc.

This lasts until the Victorian Reformation of 1897, when the Ivory Tower itself becomes a new Convention.



  • Lantern
  • Lighthouse
  • Torch

Background Information[]

Bryan Armor had this to say:
My intention with the Lightkeepers was that it was a reorganization of what was left of the Cabal of Pure Thought after the Reformation totally tore that group appart, with the three subfactions - Lighthouse (scholars), Lantern (investigators) and Torch (monster hunters) - designed to take over the functions of the Cabal and its guilds.
(And, conspiratorially, there's probably more than a few ex-Craftmasons in the Lighthouse.)
The idea with the Lightkeepers was that there would be three subfactions, the Lighthouse (teachers, scholars and keepers of knowledge, who would become - or return to being depending on which version of history you prefer - the Ivory Tower), the Lantern (detectives, journalists and spies who monitor the world for possible threats or just useful information, eventually becoming the Watchers), and the Torch (monster hunters and inquisitors who turn into the Operatives).


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Technocratic Union Blocs and Conventions (Mage: The Ascension: Victorian Age)
Exploratory Society Society of Celestial Masters · Void Seekers
Grand Faculty Guild of Analytical Reckoners · Guild of Electrodyne Engineers · Hippocratic Circle
Ivory Tower Lightkeepers · Skeleton Keys
League of Constructors Guild of Analytical Reckoners · Guild of Electrodyne Engineers · International Brotherhood of Mechanicians
Syndicate Golden Guild · Invisible Exchequer