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White Wolf Wiki

Liberty Road is an SAS for the Scion gameline. It is a five scene SAS set during World War II.


From the SAS:

“Liberty Road” is a complete five-scene Scion story set in World War Two. It may be used as a self-contained story or the jumping-off point for a longer cycle set in this era. This story mixes elements of the mythical with the historical, but it is not meant to be an accurate representation of actual events. All key characters, locations and battles are strictly fictional, so playing this adventure won’t help you cram for a history exam. But it will serve as a great introduction to gaming in this time period and to two particular elements of World War mythology: the great prison-camp escape and the Nazi super-soldier.

Background Information[]

This SAS is now part of the book, Scion Companion.

Memorable Quotes[]



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