Lethargg is the Urge Wyrm of Apathy.
This child of Gree replaces will with a growing loss of feeling where victims first become indifferent to the lives and suffering of others and then cease caring about their own lives. The most fully possessed lose themselves in catatonia or fall into comas. Today, Lethargg causes masses of humanity to ignore the horrors and injustices around them. Those firmly in Lethargg’s grip ignore anything beyond the immediate scope of their lives, convinced that nothing they can do will improve the world around them, or affect it in any way. Lethargg has always been one of the most potent and effective Urge Wyrms.
- WTA: Book of the Wyrm First Edition, p. 67
- WTA: Book of the Wyrm Second Edition, p. 32-33
- WTA/cMET: Mind's Eye Theatre: Book of the Wyrm, p. 32
- W20: W20 Book of the Wyrm, p. 18