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LeDuc is one of the first members of both the Tremere clan and their original Council of Seven. He originally supervised France.


The French mage known as LeDuc was the master of the burgeoning Order of Hermes Paris chantry of the House Tremere. As one of the House's few Arch Mage's he was held in high regard as one of the closest advisors of Tremere himself, and leader within House Tremere, thus he was one of the eight selected original mages that cast and were transformed into vampires by Goratrix's Ritual of Usurpation, that gave birth to Clan Tremere. As such he like the rest of the rituals participants (those that weren't sacrificed anyway) was not "sired" via the embrace, but reborn and recreated by the ritual as one of the kindred. However in so doing he like the rest of the Inner Circle lost the ability to use True Magick upon the destruction of their Avatar's as a result of the ritual.

LeDuc took Etrius' side when rivalry began to grow between the Swede and Goratrix, but was also present in other key events of Tremere history such as the dedication of Ceoris and the Diablerie of Saulot. However, around 1133, the Frenchman was commanded by his master to leave the Parisian chantry and travel to the Levant to pursue matters of importance to the clan (apparently, he would hunt the Salubri and their secrets).

Goratrix would step down as Lord of Ceoris and head to France, to take over LeDuc's place as leader of the Parisian hall.

LeDuc was still active at the time of the destruction of the Tremere antitribu [1]

Like the other Founders (those who participated in the Goratrix's Ritual of Usurpation) of his clan, the question of LeDuc's vampiric generation upon his self-creation remains debated. What it is safe to assume, however, is that in order to achieve the power he has now. He is like the rest of the original Inner Circle of Seven is an experienced diablerist many times over.[2]


  1. {{|b|V20|Beckett's Jyhad Diary}}
  2. Ritual of Usurpation#Speculation