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Laws of the Wild Revised Edition (limited) is an updated rulebook for the Mind's Eye Theatre version of Werewolf: The Apocalypse.


From the White Wolf catalog:

Apocalypse Ascends...

From the shrinking wild places to the sprawling cities, the signs are everywhere - the coming of Apocalypse is certainty. Gaia needs Her warriors more than ever these days. But the Garou Nation is beset on all sides - from the Wyrm's many minions, the Weaver's machinations, the slow decimation of the wilderness, and perhaps even from within.

But Not Without a Fight!

Laws of the Wild Revised is the revised and updated rulebook for playing the Garou in live-action. Based on Werewolf: The Apocalypse Revised, this book carries the new material and the advanced storyline. Everything a player needs to learn the basics of the Werewolf setting, create a character and begin playing is contained within.

Hear Gaia's battle-cry - Assemble the Heroes!


Eight extra pages exclusive only to this version of the book, these pages do not appear in the unlimited version that is available on DrivethruRPG.

Trail's Beginning: A Winter's Tail[]

Chapter One: Introduction[]

The introduction to both Mind's Eye Theatre and the World of Darkness.

Chapter Two: The Tribes[]

A complete overview of the werewolf tribes available for play in the World of Darkness.

Chapter Three: Character Creation[]

Everything that you'll need to create a character to start playing.

Chapter Four: Gifts and Rites[]

Descriptions of the mysterious powers the spirits teach and the rituals that shape werewolf lives.

Chapter Five: Rules, Systems and Drama[]

The chapter starts with the basic rules you'll need for play, followed with systems for combat, derangements, health, healing and more werewolf-related issues, like howling.

Chapter Six: The Umbra[]

This chapter details the spirit world that borders the physical reality, and some of the denizens that werewolves may encounter.

Chapter Seven: Allies and Antagonists[]

Werewolves aren't the only creatures of the night. This chapter provides a basic overview of some of the other denizens of the World of Darkness, as well as ways to incorporate them into stories.


Background Information[]

  • This limited edition hardbound book featured a brown leatherette cover with gold stamping, a foil bookmark, and eight pages of additional fiction.
  • See also the Unlimited Edition of this book.
  • The extra eight pages include the following codes:
    • One of the pages uses the Theban Magical Alphabet, which the cracked message reads:
    • Another page has drawings and notes connecting each other, a lot of the smaller cursive writing is hard to make out:
    • Another type of code used on the last page is the Celestial Alphabet, which is just turned upside down. The following messages have another step required to decode them:
      • "ERAM" you well the time draws near. The signs the skies
      • By the Words of our father: "S(I/J)MR(I/J)(U/V)"
      • In the name of his servants: "N(I/J)XL(O/Q)M
      • By your own name: "HESCNAR(U/V)"

Memorable Quotes[]


  • Seth - Garou, referred to in the extra eight pages, sent mysterious writings (By a Black Spiral Dancer) found in a Magadon office in Phoenix, AZ.
  • Writlish - Black Spiral Dancer, referred to by the unknown Black Spiral Dancer author in the extra eight pages.
  • Peter Raging-Winter, "Pete" - Ahroun Glass Walker Metis
  • Marja - Shadow Lord
  • Jacqueline, Jackie Walks-by-Still-Waters - Philodox Children of Gaia
  • Arianna - Black Fury
  • Soren Seek-Sky - Stargazer
  • Koa - Garou
  • Ken Eldritch "Marks-the-Leeches - CEO of Witchlight Records, Garou
  • Thomas Jonah Sampson - Example Character, Homid Ahroun Uktena
  • Kelly Still Waters - Ancestor Spirit
  • Walks-Through-Walls - Garou
  • Jory Speaks-With-Truth - Garou


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cMET: Mind's Eye Theatre: Dark Epics Buy it from DriveThruRPG! Classic Mind's Eye Theatre Books cMET: Laws of the Wild: Changing Breeds 2