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Laws of Judgment is the Time of Judgment sourcebook for Mind's Eye Theatre. It adapts abbreviated material from the various Time of Judgment sourcebooks (Gehenna, Apocalypse, Ascension, and World of Darkness: Time of Judgment), plus new material for use with Laws of the Hunt and general guidelines for ending any live-action World of Darkness game.


From the White Wolf catalog:

Prophecies Ancient and Terrible
It is known by many names: Gehenna, Apocalypse, Ascension. For millennia, humanity and its supernatural masters have wondered at and dreaded the nature of the End Times. Now the signs are unmistakable — the oldest fears of the prophets are about to be realized. Will it be annihilation? Or does new hope await beyond this great darkness?
The End Is Here
Laws of Judgment is a comprehensive guide to presenting the Time of Judgment for all of the mind's Eye Theatre games. Everything players and Storytellers need is contained within, from new rules and systems born of the End Times to ready-made doomsday scenarios to storytelling advice on how to give a chronicle the end it deserves. Only one question remains: How will your troupe face the end?


Introduction: The Signs Are On Fire[]

Author's notes and summary of the book's contents.

Chapter One: Judgment Day[]

Summaries on how the Laws of the Night organizations (the Inquisition, Twilight Agencies, Arcanum, Dauntain, Benandanti and Orphic Circle) might interact with the relevant Time of Judgment scenarios.

Chapter Two: Gehenna[]

Laws of the Night adaptations of the scenarios and rules in Gehenna.

Chapter Three: Apocalypse[]

Laws of the Wild adaptations of the scenarios and rules in Apocalypse.

  • New Gifts
    • Gift of the Giants (Advanced)
    • Myth Walking (Advanced)
  • New Fetishes
    • Flaming Death Spears - Level 3, Gnosis 4
    • Wolf Skin - Level 1, Gnosis 4
  • New Talens
    • Luna-Dust - Gnosis 1
    • Claw of Rorg - Gnosis 6
  • New Rites
    • Flaming Death Spears (Intermediate)
    • Rite of the Burning Bridge (Intermediate)

Chapter Four: Ascension[]

Laws of Ascension adaptations of the scenarios and rules in Ascension (book).

  • New Rote: Holy Union
  • Anakim
    • New Advantage: Alien Presence
    • New Disadvantage: Dedication
    • Anakim Rotes
      • Control Avatar Storm
      • Avatar Construct
      • Shard Blast
      • Weapon
      • Shield
      • Barrier
      • Cocoon
      • Overwhelm Sleeping Avatar
  • Under Pressure (Optional Rule)

Chapter Five: Endless Winter[]

The Shining Host adaptations of the scenarios and rules in World of Darkness: Time of Judgment.

Chapter Six: Reckoning[]

Laws of the Reckoning adaptations of the scenarios and rules in World of Darkness: Time of Judgment.

Chapter Seven: The Sixth Age[]

Laws of the East adaptations of the scenarios and rules in World of Darkness: Time of Judgment.

Chapter Eight: Armageddon[]

Laws of the Resurrection adaptations of the scenarios and rules in World of Darkness: Time of Judgment.

Chapter Nine: Doomsday[]

Oblivion adaptation of the scenario and rules in Ends of Empire.

Chapter Ten: Revelations[]

A guide to storytelling, stagecrafting and troubleshooting the End Times, and suggestions on how to end a long-running chronicle.

Background Information[]

  • Only one chapter from World of Darkness: Time of Judgment wasn't adapted to Laws of Judgement: it was Demon: The Fallen, as the game setting was never adapted into a Mind's Eye Theatre book.
  • Playtesters credited to the book include: Scott Adams, Kerry Bayles, Fletcher Bennett, Rich Brodsky, Kristin Carlson, Mike Carlucci, Greg Curley, Jen Curtis, Dan DiFlavis, Jim Fillmore, Matt Florentine, Alyson Gaul, Lee Gelwicks, Retta Harrison, Amy Houser, Jeff Houser, Cara Jordan, Chris Jowett, Scott Katinger, Sarah McIlvaine, Kelly Niedzialek, Adolfo Rivera, Mike Rohner, Dan Schermond, Andrew J. Scott, Nick Simpson, Meg Strittmatter, Courtney Sullivan, Tim Sullivan, Jada Weaver, Tome Wilson, Andy Woodworth and Kathy Woodworth.

Memorable Quotes[]



Judgment Day: Arcadia, Arcanum, Autumn Fae, Avatar, Awakening, Banality, Benandanti, Britain, Changeling, CIA, Dauntain, Division Six, Dreaming, Fae, Fomorian, Garou Nation, Glamour, Inquisition, Nephandi, NSA, Orphic Circle, Sanbenito, Seelie, Shadow Court, Shadowlands, Society of Leopold, Special Affairs Department (SAD), Technocracy, Traditions, Tribe, Umbra, Underworld, United States, Unseelie, Weaver, Winter Court, Wyrm; Gehenna: Antediluvian, Book of Nod, Ceoris, Convention of Fire, Curse of Caine, Dhampir, Diablerie, Enoch, Europe, Jerusalem, Malkavian Madness Network, Manhattan, Nephtali, New York, New York City, Red Star, Sanctuary, Second City, Thin-Bloods, Vienna, Week of Nightmares, Withering, Wormwood; Apocalypse: Africa, Amazon, Anthelios, Apis, Asia, Australia, Bane, Bangkok, Bastet, Beast Courts (Fatalists), Beast-of-War, Black Furies (Widows), Black Spiral Dancers, Boli Zouhisze, Bone Gnawers (Plague Rats), Caern, California, Camazotz, Cheyenne Mountain, Children of Gaia (Reavers), China, Clarification, Columns of Flesh, Consolidex Worldwide, Deep Umbra, Defiler, Delirium, DNA, Dream Hunters, Drone, Eater-of-Souls, Emerald Mother, Fianna (Black Stags), Gaia, Gauntlet, Get of Fenris (The Pure), Glass Walkers (Raiders), The Great Black, Great Concolation, Grondr, Gurahl, Hakken, Harano, Helios, Hengeyokai, Incarna, Japan, Jaws of the True Father, Khara, Last Caern, The Last Rite (Rite of Walking the Moon), Los Angeles, Luna, Machine, Maeljin, Mnesis, Mokolé, Mother of Peach Trees Caern, Near Umbra, Nuwisha, Onesong, Operation: Full Disclosure, Pattern Web, Pentex, Penumbra, Project: Odyssey, Prophecy of the Phoenix, Pure Lands, Rage, Ratkin, Realms: Abyss, Aetherial Realm, Arcadia Gateway, Atrocity Realm, Battleground, CyberRealm (Cyberwolves), Erebus (Brood), Flux Realm, Legendary Realm, Malfeas (Terra Umbra), Pangaea, Scar, Summer Country, Wolfhome; Red Talons (Predators), Rokea, Rorg, Russia, Sentai, Sept of the Stars, Sept of the Water Claw, Shadow Lords, Shards of Luna, Shattering (Luna), Shinzui Industries, Silent Striders (Hungry Ghosts), Silver Fangs (Fiery Crown), Spirit, Stargazers, Step Sideways, Tokyo, Triat, Uktena (Snakes), Urge Wyrms, Veil, Wendigo (Devourers), Western Concordiat, Wonderwork, Wyld, Wyrm of Balance, Wyrmcomer; Ascension: Aegis (Greater Parma Magica), Ahl-i-Batin, Amalgam, Anakim, Archmage, Area 51, Arete, Ascension War, Aswadim, Avatar Shards, Avatar Storm, Axis Mundi, Balador, Bonisagus' Parma Magica (Book), Chantry, Concordia, Construct, Continuum Orrery, Convention, Dark Umbra, Dimensional Barrier, Dimensional Science, Dimensional Storm, Disciples of Zoraster, Disparates, Doissetep, Egypt, Enlightened Science, Epiphamy, Far Horizon, First Cabal, Hobgoblins, Horizon, Houses of Hermes, Hui:xa, Ivory Tower, Ka Luon, Khuvon, Las Vegas, Library of Alexandria, Marauders, Masses, MECHA, Men in Black, Middle East, Mouseion Observatory, Mus, Nellis Air Force Base, New Horizon Council, Nine Mystic Traditions, Nodes, Order of Hermes, Order of Reason, Orphans, Paradox, Pleasuredome, Pogrom, Progenitors, Psychopomps, Qlippothic Spheres, Quiet, Quintessence, Reality Deviants, Realm of Castle Helekar, Realm of Entropy, River of Language, Rogue Council, Rogue Council Manifesto, San Francisco, Saxum Oculorum, Seeking, Shallowings, Shard Realm of Forces, Sleepers, Solificati, Sons of Ether, Sorcerers, Spaceguard, Sphinx, Spirit Wilds, The Star Council, Syndicate, Tapestry, Tass, Tellurian, Telos (Judgment), Tenth Seat, Thal'hun, Time Table, Tomb of La Salle, Typhon 2004, Umbrae, Virtual Adepts, Void Engineers, Vulgate, Zigg'raugglurr; Endless Winter: Arts, Augmen, Autumn People, Autumn World, Bedlam, Beltaine, Black Path, Boggan, Caliburn, Cantrips, Central Park, Chimera, Commoner, Concordia, Deep Dreaming, Dreamers, Eiluned, Eshu, Eye of Balor, Fae Spring, Fimbulwinter, Fir-bolgs, Freehold, Fuath, Gloomies, Green Path, Grump, Gwydion, Higher Hunting Grounds, Inanimae, Kinain, Kith, Kithain, Longing, Long Winter, Mists, Mortal Spring, Myrtle Beach, Nightmare Realm, Nunnehi, Oath, Pooka, Prodigals, Redcaps, Sacred Oath, Seekers of Lyonesse, Shallowings, Shattering, Sidhe, Silver Path, Síocháin, Tara-Nar, Thallain, Tithed Ones, Transformation, Triumph Casque of Sorrows, Trod, Tuatha de Danaan, Universal Spring, Urban Renewal League, White Court, Wyrd; Reckoning: Apocrypha, Bystanders, Conviction, Divine, Divine Aura, The Creeds: Avengers, Defenders, Hermits, Innocents, Judges, Martyrs, Redeemers, Visionary, Waywards; Edges, Exalted-Level, Glimmer, Heralds, Hunter Code, Infernal, Philadelphia, Second Sight, Taint, Virtues; The Sixth Age: Age of Legends, Age of Sorrow, Akuma, Ancestors, August Court, August Personage, Bakemono, Bodhisattva, Breaking the Demon Bonds (Ritual), Camarilla, Cathayans, Chantry, Chi, Chih-meh, Ch'ing Shih, Dâh, Demon Chi, Demon Emperor, Demons of Iron and Violence, Dhampyrs, Dharma, Eye of Heaven, Fifth Age, Final Death, Fivefold Way of Xue, Golden Courts, Great Leap Outward, Hong Kong, Hsien, Hun, Hundred Clouds, Kin-jin, Kuei-jin, Little Death, Middle Kingdom, Mount Meru, Ocean-Crossing Crusaders, P'o, Quincunx, Running Monkeys, Screaming Plague, Second Breath, Shen, Shih, Sixth Age, Spirit World, Strike Force Zero, Ten Thousand Demons, Thousand Hells, Tremere, Two-Fang Serpent Plan, The Wall, Wan Kuei, Wan Xian, Wheel of Ages, Wicked City, Wu, Yama Kings, Yang, Yin, Yomi World, Yulan-jin, Zaibatsu; Armageddon: Abydos, Amenti, Amkhat, Apepnu, Apophis, Bane Mummy, Cairo, Children of Apophis, Dark Hekau, Disciples of Anubis, Dja-akh, Duat, Dwar, Ghost, Ghost Storm, Haji, Hekau, Ifrit, Judges of Ma'at, Khat, Khutu, Ma'at, Medium, Megiddo, Mummy, Neter-khertet, Nile, Palestine, Pillars of the West, Psychic, Ra, Rite of the Slain King, Rite of the Sun King, Sekhem, Shemsu-heru, Shroud, Spell of Life, Tem-akh, Temple of Osiris, Teomallki, Undying, Web of Faith, Wraith, Wu T'ian; Doomsday: Angst, Arcanoi, Artifact, Byway, Catharsis, Circle, Conduit, Dark Kingdom, Dark Kingdom of Iron, Dark Kingdom of Jade, Deathlords, Doppelgangers, Enoch, Ferrymen, Great Maelstrom, Great War, Guild, Harrowing, Haunt, Isle of Sorrows, Jade, Labyrinth, Maelstrom, Martyr Knights, Midnight Express, Mnemoi, Mortwights, Mourners, Necropolis, Nephwrack, Oblivion, Oracle, Pardoner, Passions, Psyche, Renegade, Risen, Shadow, Sixth Great Maelstrom, Skinlands, Spectre, Stygia, Stygian steel, Tempest, Yellow Springs;

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