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Landulf II is a Tzimisce who originated in Capua. He is one of those Tzimisce that remained Autarkis, without joining the Sabbat, thanks to an alliance with the Giovanni Clan.


Landulf earned his legacy in the 9th century CE as a black magician in the Arthurian grail legends. Named the third most important man in the kingdom of Emperor Louis II, he controlled land from Naples to Calabria until the Vatican allegedly excommunicated him in 875. Rather than suffer under Carpathian influence, Landulf allowed an African Fiend, (possibly Sycorax[1]) who claimed lineage from the methuselah Demdemeh, to Embrace him. As Tzimisce, Landulf maintained the castle Calot Enbolot in Sicily, where he studied koldunic sorcery and earned a reputation as a torturer among the local populace. Landulf fostered these false accusations, if only to keep the curious away from his haven.

Like his African peers, he swore fealty to neither Transylvania nor the Sabbat. Instead, he consorted with North Africa's Cainites, and after the Convention of Thorns, enjoyed the protection of the Giovanni. The Sabbat and Camarilla could not reach him. Landulf re-emerged from hiding in the twilight of the 19th century when the German Order Walvater of the Holy Grail, later reorganized as the Thule Society, used the swastika, his heraldic device, as their standard. While the symbol itself appeared in other cultures, the combination of anti-Semitism, occult rituals, and the belief in a race of "pure" humans proved too enticing to ignore. Landulf encouraged the society and helped foster its atmosphere of racial superiority by claiming members as ghouls.


For the historical figure, see Landulf II of Capua.


  1. If Landulf is indeed the childe of Sycorax he would be 6th generation