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Lands of Mystery is a sourcebook for the Warcraft: The Roleplaying Game adapted to d20 rules.


From the White Wolf Online Catalog:

Uncover Warcraft's Secrets

Battle across the unexplored continent of Kalimdor. Unearth dead civilizations in chilling Northrend. Hunt evils in the jungles of the Echo Isles. A world of adventure awaits!

A Sourcebook for World of Warcraft: The Role-Playing Game

  • Explores the regions of Kalimdor, Northrend, the Echo Isles, Undermine, and other uncharted regions in Azeroth, from inhabitants to geography to key individuals.
  • New prestige classes (including the South Seas buccaneer), new feats, new monsters, and new magic items appeal to all Warcraft players.
  • Three adventures set in the lands of mystery make this a great game master resource.
  • Designed with extensive input from the creative minds behind Blizzard's best-selling World of Warcraft computer game and chock full of lore for fans of the online game.

Sword & Sorcery books are published under the Open Game License and are 100% compatible with v.3.5 rules and the d20 System.



Legal Information[]


Chapter 1: Northern Kalimdor[]

Chapter 2: Central Kalimdor[]

Chapter 3: Southern Kalimdor[]

Chapter 4: The South Seas[]

Chapter 5: Northrend[]

Chapter 6: Civilizations[]

Chapter 7: Adventures[]

Chapter 8: Organizations[]

Chapter 9: New Rules[]


External Links[]

WoWpedia entry

Background Information[]

Extra material or Errata was left out of the book. And was released online for free. Such as:

Memorable Quotes[]



Previous release:
WOW: More Magic & Mayhem
Game Books
Warcraft books
Next release:
WOW: Bones of Ironforge (Quickstart)