Lan Jun Kang, also known as Jason Lan or Junkman, is an animator and illustrator based in Singapore. He has worked with Scrawl Studios, Imaginary Friends Studios, and Strategy Entertainment, producing character designs and concept art as well as doing interface design and art direction.
White Wolf Credits[]
Interior Art[]
- 2012/March 20: Exalted: The Art of Exalted
- 2009/November 11: Exalted: Compass of Terrestrial Directions Vol. 5: The North
- 2008/April 16: Exalted: Manual of Exalted Power: Abyssals
- 2008: Exalted: Exalted: Legacy of the Unconquered Sun
- 2007/November 7: MTAw: Astral Realms
- 2007/September 26: MTAw: The Mysterium
- 2007/September 12: Scion: Scion: Demigod
- 2007/April 18: Scion: Scion: Hero
- 2007/March 7: Exalted: Compass of Celestial Directions Vol. 2: The Wyld
- 2007/January 24: Exalted: The Books of Sorcery Vol. 2: White and Black Treatises
- 2007: Exalted: Compass of Terrestrial Directions Vol. 2: The West
- 2006/October 4: Exalted: Compass of Celestial Directions Vol. 1: The Blessed Isle
- 2006/May 29: Exalted: Compass of Terrestrial Directions Vol. 1: The Scavenger Lands
- 2006/April 17: Exalted: Books of Sorcery Vol. 1: Wonders of the Lost Age
- 2006/March 20: Exalted: Exalted Second Edition
- 2006/March 20: Exalted: Exalted Second Edition Storytellers Companion