Lady Vadislava is one of the elders attributed with developing the Path of Death and the Soul.
Lady Vadislava was present at the Black Monastery convention in 1666 where many of the Sabbat's Path of Enlightenments were created and refined for the Modern times.
Lady Vadislava is a very beautiful Slavic woman with curly dark hair and intense dark eyes that seem to glitter like a predator's. She usually wears long gowns of crimson or black, but has been seen in men's attire to go "hunting". Her hands are usually gloved, covering a fine network of henna designs tattooed in black.
A proud woman of long heritage she carries herself as one of the true nobility of the night with beautiful manners and graciousness, but she is very much in touch with her beast, and the Sabbat's lack of humanity is personified in her.
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