The Knights of the Silver Web are a society formed by House Eiluned that uses technology to rescue kithain who have forgotten themselves.
While predominately sidhe of House Eiluned, these knights are a loosely affiliated order of kithain across the globe. The Silver Web began as an offshoot of the Knights of the Silver Key when, in the mid 1980s, some technologically minded wilders and childlings with similar interests, if different methods, split from the older order to start a new one. These cyberknights maintain ties to the Modernists of the Golden Sickle and have been instrumental in helping to rescue numerous changelings who have forgotten their faerie nature. Their skill at getting information quickly has made them heroes on countless occasions.
Their symbol is a silver spiderweb on a black field. Status in the order is indicated by the number of rings in the web.
- CTD. Noblesse Oblige: The Book of Houses, p. 46.