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The Knights of the Cold Watch is an order of mostly Unseelie Sidhe that remember the nightmares that followed them to the Waking World during the Resurgence and seek to protect others from them.



When the gateways to Arcadia flew open, the Shining Host were not the only beings to cross the Mists and enter the mortal world. Other creatures born of dark imaginings and with horrid features crossed as well and dispersed themselves to the four winds while the Sidhe were reeling in shock of their journey. The Mists have so wiped the memories of most of the returnees that these corruptors are seldom recalled except in nightmares which are quickly forgotten. Some individuals, usually Unseelie, retain stronger memories, though. These haunted sidhe have gathered into self-appointed sentinel groups called the Knights of the Cold Watch.

The Knights' purpose is to search the world for evidence of these dark things that crossed into the Waking Lands. Many Sidhe (Seelie and Unseelie) consider the Watchers to be deluded fanatics and false prophets of doom. The Knights believe the Seelie are naive in their pursuit of temporal power while the world is under attack by these unknown, mighty assailants. Most of the Knights of the Cold Watch are Purists but they have put their political aspirations aside until the threat is taken care of. There are a few secret Anarchists in the group as well who want to ally with the nightmares once they are found for a glorious orgy of destruction.

See also: Guardians of the Gates

