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The Order of the Poor Knights of the Passion of the Cross of Acre, also simply known as the Knights of Acre, is one of the Orders found in Dark Ages: Inquisitor. They fight against the supernatural creatures of the Dark Medieval era with a combination of militaristic precision and monastic devotion.



The Order was formed in 1217 during the 5th Crusade as it founder and first leader Gauthier de Dampiere and his companions were able to capture a part of Christs true cross in Acre. Following this feat many like minded knights joined him in his fight against evil (supernatural and not). Cardinal Marzones became the patron of the brotherhood and used his influence on Pope Honorius to get them recognized in 1219.


Prospective recruits need to be male, fit and unmarried (or be ready to abandon their wives) and debt free. They order mainly gains recruits through:

  • Knights and minor nobles requesting to join
  • Sons of other Inquisitors or Knights prior to them entering
  • Member of other knightly orders not connected to the Shadow Inquisition


The Knights of Acre have a strict military hierarchy.

  • The Knights are lead by the Grand Master.
  • Next in line are the 8 Commanders of the Tongues, who are the leaders of the order in the different countries they have influence in (Provence, Auvergne, France, Papal State, Aragon, Castile, HRE and England). They also vote the next Grand Master.
  • On equal standing is the Commander of the True Cross who is the Castellan of the Fortress of the Cross.
  • Knight Commanders or Knight Seneschals are the leader of the individual monasteries.


The Knights hold many holdings over Europe and the Kingdom of Jerusalem to conduct their official duty to protect the pilgrims. The most important ones are:

  • The Fortress of the Cross: The Mother-House of the Order is on Cyprus near Nikosia. The office of the Grand Master and the part of the true cross are located here.
  • The Jägerhalle (Hunters' Hall): Is a chapter house near the main Murnau estate in Bavaria is their main chapter for their eastern Europe influence.
  • The Hospice of St. James the Elder: Is the hospital and orphanage in Compostela and the orders main trainings facility.
  • De Château Au-dessus of Poitiers
  • Fortress of the Saints in Augsburg


  • Gauthier de Dampiere, current Grand Master of the knights
  • Sir Baudioun le Breton, Gauthier and Leopold Companion and Trainer at the Hospice of St. James the Elder
  • Sir Fantino di Milano, Companion of Giordano Nicola d'Arzenta and oversees the Hostel at the Hospice of St. James the Elder
  • Sir Jehan, current Commander of the True Cross and Gauthiers left hand (wo)men
  • Laurgain, Knight Seneschals of the Hospice of St. James the Elder
  • Berin of Lombardy, trainer at the Hospice of St. James the Elder


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