The Knight’s Oath is a specific form of Commendation in which the oathbound acts as a soldier of the freehold.
While the Commendation is focused on the average citizen of a freehold, the Knight’s Oath is a bit more specific — it is a pledge to join the liege’s retinue and household; to be prepared to lay down one’s life on behalf of said liege and the freehold he rules. In return for service, the knight is granted a stipend of monthly Glamour and a boost to a skill for which she was chosen.
The Vow[]
— On bended knee, I swear to protect my liege and freehold, to serve the good of both, though it may cost me my life. I shall serve faithfully and with honor, for the span of ten years. I give my oath, by this symbol of my standing in the Court of [Name], to hold this oath, lest death claim me. May my fellows shun me if I prove false.
— I swear my services as a soldier of the freehold, on this badge of my honor. I swear to be faithful, brave and strong, by sword or by bullet, in wilderness or street, in fire and in ice.
Type: Corporal, Courtly Emblem
Tasks: Endeavor, Greater (–3, Knight swears to protect the liege and freehold, even at cost of life), Fealty (–3, knight); Fealty (–3, liege)
Boons: Glamour (+2, Knight receives Glamour from liege), Adroitness (+1, Knight receives benefit in a combat ability), Vassalage (+3, Knight); Blessing, Lesser (+1, liege)
Sanction: Death (–3); Curse, Lesser (–1, liege)
Duration: Decade (+3) or, in some cases, Lifelong (+3)
Invocation: 1 Willpower (+1 Willpower dot if the oath is sworn at Lifelong duration)
- CTL: Changeling: The Lost Rulebook, p. 189