Strength Knacks[]
Crushing Grip -- Clinches inflict Lethal damage. Source: Scion: Hero pg. 126
- One Inch Punch -- [Requires: Crushing Grip] The Scion can focus all their strength into a small part of their body, such as a finger or elbow. Source: Scion: Companion pg. 51
- Divine Wrath -- [Requires: Crushing Grip] Normal unarmed attacks inflict Lethal damage and Clinch inflicts Aggravated damage. Source: Scion: Demigod pg. 53
- Disfiguring Attack -- [Requires: Divine Wrath] Scion can choose to do Aggravated damage with unarmed attack, badly scarring his opponent. Source: Scion: God pg. 60
Holy Bound -- Jump distances for the Scion are doubled. Source: Scion: Hero pg. 126
- Divine Bound -- [Requires: Holy Bound] Scion can make divine leap into the sky, much further than Holy Bound. Source: Scion: God pg. 60
Holy Rampage -- Inanimate objects have less defense against the Scion. Source: Scion: Hero pg. 126
- Divine Rampage -- [Requires: Holy Rampage] The scion can easily break inanimate objects. Source: Scion: Demigod pg. 53
- Armor Crusher -- [Requires: Holy Rampage] The Scion's attacks pierce through armor and shields with ease. Source: Scion: Companion pg. 51
Hurl to the Horizon -- Doubles throwing ranges. Source: Scion: Hero pg. 126
- Mighty Heave -- [Requires: Hurl to the Horizon] The Scion throws objects even further than Hurl to the Horizon. Source: Scion: Demigod pg. 56
- Hurl to the Moon -- [Requires Mighty Heave] The Scion can hurl massive objects as a normal thrown object and flings normal objects to miraculous distances. Source: Scion: God pg. 61
Uplifting Might -- Doubles the scion's lifting ability. Source: Scion: Hero pg. 127
Knockback Attack -- The Scion may do an attack the inflicts no damage, but has lots of knockback. Source: Scion: Demigod pg. 55
- Knockback Wave -- [Requires: Knockback Attack] Everyone in radius is thrown backward. Source: Scion: God pg. 61
Shock Wave -- Shockwave can knockdown all within radius or hurls single target into the air. Source: Scion: Demigod pg. 56
Making It Look Easy -- The Scion can perform multiple actions that include feats of strength. Source: Scion: God pg. 62
Hang On -- The Scion greatly extends the amount of time they can perform a feat of strength so long as they remain virtually immobile. Source: Scion: Ragnarok pg. 32
Titanium Tools -- Mundane objects the Scion utilizes as weapons do not break due to the Scion's Epic Strength. Source: Scion: Companion pg. 52
Dexterity Knacks[]
Cat's Grace -- Cannot be knocked down and is unaffected by difficult terrain (except water/mud). Source: Scion: Hero pg.127
- Divine Balance -- [Requires: Cat's Grace] The scion can balance on walk on objects that cannot support his weight (but not water). Source: Scion: Demigod pg. 56
Lightning Sprinter -- Doubles dash speed and allows running on water and mud. Source: Scion: Hero pg.127
- Fast As Thought -- [Requires: Lightning Sprinter] Doubles the distance and duration of a Scion's Dash action and allows them to ignore most obstacles. Source: Scion: Ragnarok pg. 32
Monkey Climber -- Normal move speed up handholds (instead of half) and able to use multiple actions while climbing. Source: Scion: Hero pg.128
- Spider Climber -- [Requires: Monkey Climber] Scion can dash up handholds and even climb featureless surfaces. Source: Scion: Demigod pg. 56
- Anti-Gravity Climber -- [Requires: Spider Climber] Scion can climb or walk at dash speeds up nearly any surface and can stand in defiance of gravity. Source: Scion: God pg. 63
Trick Shooter -- Doubles bonus of aim action and can perform some special attacks without penalty. Source: Scion: Hero pg.128
- Shot to the Heart -- [Requires: Trick Shooter] Target small weak points in enemies with greater ease. Source: Scion: Companion pg. 52
Untouchable Opponent -- Dodge DV (but not Parry) gains double benefit from Epic Dexterity. Source: Scion: Hero pg.128
- Whirlwind Shield -- [Requires: Untouchable Opponent] Scion can now parry thrown weapons and bullets. Source: Scion: Demigod pg. 57
Escape Artist -- The scion can escape clinches and physical restraints. Source: Scion: Demigod pg. 56
Ricochet Symphony -- Thrown objects can overcome cover by ricocheting off of the environment. Source: Scion: Demigod pg. 56
And the Crowd Goes Wild -- Normal rolls of Athletics now treat each dot in this ability as automatic successes. Source: Scion: God pg. 62
Perfect Partner -- The Scion coordinates perfectly with others and can join any attack without a coordination check. Source: Scion: God pg. 63
Photographic Penmanship -- Scion can paint or draw as well as a photograph, in addition to becoming a perfect forger. Source: Scion: God pg. 63
Roll With It -- Scions can bend with any connecting attack and use Epic Dexterity to aid soak. Source: Scion: God pg. 64
Microscopic Precision -- The Scion gains extraordinary fine motor control. Source: Scion: Companion pg. 52
Omnidexterity -- Scions can use their feet and/or mouth to control objects as if they were their dominant hand. Source: Scion: Companion pg. 52
Stamina Knacks[]
Damage Conversion -- Scion can convert incoming Lethal damage to Bashing. Source: Scion: Hero pg.129
- Divine Damage Conversion -- [Requires: Damage Conversion] Scion can convert incoming Aggravated damage to Lethal. Source: Scion: God pg. 65
Holy Fortitude -- Doubles time that scion can work and the period between required eatting, drinking, and sleeping. Source: Scion: Hero pg.129
- Divine Fortitude -- [Requires: Holy Fortitude] Doubles time scion can strenuously work and eliminates needs for food, or water, or sleep (but only one of these). May be taken up to three times. Source: Scion: Demigod pg. 58
- Tireless Worker -- [Requires: Divine Fortitude] Scion can work without stop. Source: Scion: God pg. 66
Inner Furnace -- Any organic matter can be consumed as food, even if poisonous. Source: Scion: Hero pg.129
- Devourer -- [Requires: Inner Furnace] Any liquid can sustain as water and any solid as food. Source: Scion: Demigod pg. 58
- Internal Refinery -- [Requires: Devourer] Immune to any poison and disease and can forge an antidote after exposure. Source: Scion: God pg. 66
Self-Healing -- Can heal self of Lethal or Bashing damage. Source: Scion: Hero pg.129
- Regeneration -- [Requires: Self-Healing] Can regenerate even Aggravated damage or regrown body parts. Source: Scion: Demigod pg. 58
Solipsistic Well-Being -- A single surprise attack does no damage at all. Source: Scion: Hero pg.129
Body Armor -- Scion can parry unarmed and armor himself with his ichor. Source: Scion: Demigod pg. 57
- Impenetrable -- [Requires Body Armor] Ichor-based armor can now soak Aggravated and ignore Piercing property of weapons. Source: Scion: God pg. 66
- Invulnerable Nail -- [Requires: Body Armor] Makes a tiny point on the Scion's body greatly tougher for a split second. Source: Scion: Companion pg. 53
Skin-Shedding -- Scion negates damage when taking knockback, leaving a shed skin behind. Source: Scion: Demigod pg. 59
Extended Youth -- The Scion no longer ages. Source: Scion: God pg. 65 Raise Your Glass -- Regain Legend points by drinking with style and/or gusto. Epic Stamina can no longer be used to resist intoxication. Source: Scion: Ragnarok pg. 32-33
Whale's Breath -- Triples the length of time a Scion can hold their breath, makes them immune to pressure changes (AKA the bends) though not the pressure itself, and allows them to speak underwater. Source: Scion: Ragnarok pg. 33
Raging Bull -- Wound penalties become bonuses for a scene. Source: Scion: Companion pg. 53
Under Pressure -- Makes the Scion immune to atmospheric pressure, such as when deep underwater. Does not protect against bruising or crushing damage, however. Source: Scion: Companion pg. 53
Charisma Knacks[]
Benefit of the Doubt -- Removes penalty from convincing people of improbably things. Source: Scion: Hero pg.130
Blessing of Importance -- Replentishes mortal's Willpower points, boosts Scions. Source: Scion: Hero pg.130
- BFF -- [Requires: Blessing of Importance] Replentishes an allies Willpower points, boosts mortals further. Source: Scion: Demigod pg. 59
Charmer -- Quells an emotion in a target, allowing them to be convinced without regard to that existing emotion. Source: Scion: Hero pg.130
- Crowd Control -- [Requires: Charmer] Calms or delays mobs from immediate action. Source: Scion: Demigod pg. 59
- Engender Love -- [Requires: Charmer] Target cannot resist requests while enthralled with the scion, even if of higher Legend. Be warned that this effect wears off... Source: Scion: God pg. 68
Inspirational Figure -- Restores a spent willpower to each person in a crowd of mortals and/or scions. Source: Scion: Hero pg.130
- Preach On -- [Requires: Inspirational Figure] All mortals and scions hearing preacher have Willpower refilled, and even Titanspawn can gain a bonus. Source: Scion: Demigod pg. 60
- Instant Seminar -- [Requires: Inspirational Figure] After giving a rousing speech, onlookers can temporarily use a Scion's Ability score instead of their own. Source: Scion: Companion pg. 54
- Paragon of Virtue -- [Requires: Inspirational Figure] After giving a rousing speech, onlookers gain one dot of a chosen Virtue the Scion possesses. Source: Scion: Companion pg. 54
Never Say Die -- Restores willpower to allies after taking damage. Source: Scion: Hero pg.130
Pied Piper -- Mortals tend to flock around the scion. Source: Scion: Demigod pg. 59
- Divine Figurehead -- [Requires Pied Piper] Now scions and other creatures of Legend flock around the user of this knack. Source: Scion: God pg. 68
Unimpeachable Reference -- Can grant Benefit of the Doubt to another target. Source: Scion: Demigod pg. 60
- Borrowed Credibility -- [Requires: Unimpeachable Reference] As Unimpeachable Reference, but the target also benefits from the scion's dice pool when using the borrowed knack.
Source: Scion: God pg. 67
Boys Will Be Boys -- Parties offended by the scion view slights as minor after this knack is used. Source: Scion: God pg. 68
- Blame James -- [Requires: Boys Will Be Boys] After using Boys Will Be Boys, additional Legend can be spent to shift the blame on another party. Source: Scion: Companion pg. 54
Hapless Cool -- Any action, no matter how foolish or if it succeeds, looks "cool" to onlookers. Source: Scion: God pg. 68
Manipulation Knacks[]
Blurt It Out -- Tricks target into blurting out something when that topic is being discussed. Source: Scion: Hero pg.131
- Kill the Messenger -- [Requires: Blurt It Out] Scion can use manipulation dice pool through emissary, possibly for the benefit or harm of the message bearer. Source: Scion: God pg. 69
God's Honest -- Convinces someone that the scion is telling the absolute truth until someone else proves that the target has been tricked. Source: Scion: Hero pg.131
Overt Order -- A single action can be commanded of the target. Source: Scion: Hero pg.131
- Return to Sender -- [Requires: Overt Order] Minions don't dawdle after finishing a task and return directly to the Scion. Source: Scion: Companion pg. 55
- Hard Sell -- [Requires: Overt Order] Scion can apply Overt Order to groups of people. Source: Scion: Demigod pg. 61
- Instant Hypnosis -- [Requires: Overt Order] Scion can instantly hypnotize victim and implant suggestion. Source: Scion: Demigod pg. 61
- Implant False Memory -- [Requires: Instant Hypnosis] Memories can be completely fabricated for hypnotized victim. Source: Scion: God pg. 69
- Mass Hypnosis -- [Requires Instant Hypnosis] Scion can hypnotize and implant suggestions in groups of people. Source: Scion: God pg. 69
Stench of Guilt -- When topic comes up in which the target is keeping a secret, the scion is aware that a secret is being kept. Source: Scion: Hero pg.131
Takes One to Know One -- When target deliberately lies, the scion is aware that the statement is false. Source: Scion: Hero pg.131
- Deprogramming -- [Requires: Takes One to Know One, possibly others] The Scion can shatter the effects of Epic Charisma and Epic Manipulation. To counteract specific Knacks, the Scion must know them. Source: Scion: Companion pg. 54
Advantageous Circumstances -- Making a simple action in a crowd, results in desired effect (see example in book). Source: Scion: Demigod pg. 60
Knowing Glance -- Victim holding a secret can be forced to lose all unspent Willpower. Source: Scion: Demigod pg. 61
Rumor Mill -- Rumors can be sent that capture the media spotlight over the next month or weeks. Source: Scion: Demigod pg. 61
- Trendsetter -- [Requires: Rumor Mill] Infects communities (up to the whole world) with a fad for several weeks. Source: Scion: God pg. 70
Secondhand Persuasion -- Manipulation attempt can be made through written message to single target. Source: Scion: God pg. 69
Not the Face -- The Scion winces, making an aggressor delay their attack for one tick. Source: Scion: Companion pg. 54-55
Appearance Knacks[]
Center of Attention -- Attention of crowd stays on scion, usually following entrance into room. Source: Scion: Hero pg.132
Come Hither -- Draws target to scion with just a message and a picture. Does not work for divinely ugly scions. Source: Scion: Hero pg.132
- Meet Me Backstage -- [Requires: Come Hither] The Scion uses their beauty to lure a target to a specific spot. Source: Scion: Companion pg. 55-56
Dreadful Mien -- Causes target to flee. Does not work for divinely beautiful scions. Source: Scion: Hero pg.132
- Do Not Want -- [Requires: Dreadful Mien] The Scion is so ugly that it is more difficult to even touch them with weapons in battle. Source: Scion: Companion pg. 55
Lasting Impression -- Grants target extra Willpower point and bonus to skills; or robs a Willpower and causes penalty to skills. Source: Scion: Hero pg.133
- Inescapable Vision -- [Requires: Lasting Impression] All people of the gender appear to be the scion to the target and target cannot regain Willpower. Source: Scion: Demigod pg. 62
Serpent's Gaze -- Locking eyes causes target to become inactive during combat, although scion is limited to doing second actions. Source: Scion: Hero pg.133
- Compelling Presense -- [Requires: Serpent's Gaze] Targets are caught staring and remain inactive in combat, while scion continues to act normally. Source: Scion: Demigod pg. 62
Blinding Visage -- Target is blinded and meanders or staggers around. Source: Scion: Demigod pg. 62
My Eyes Are Up Here -- Mortals ignore scion's appearance and cannot later describe what the scion looked like. Source: Scion: Demigod pg. 63
- Detail Variation -- [Requires: My Eyes Are Up Here] Scion can vary details of appearance. Source: Scion: God pg. 71
- Tailor Made -- [Requires: Detail Variation] Clothing of any sort can be made from scion's ichor. Source: Scion: God pg. 72
- Undeniable Resemblance -- [Requires: Detail Variation] Scion can perfectly mimic any appearance or gender desired. Source: Scion: God pg. 72
- Unusual Alteration -- [Requires: Undeniable Resemblance] Scion can make unnatural changes, including changing to either divinely beautiful or monstrous. Source: Scion: God pg. 72
Perfect Actor -- Targets feel emotion that scion actively displays. Source: Scion: Demigod pg. 63
Doin' Fine -- Scion does not display any signs of damage during combat. Source: Scion: God pg. 71
Game Face -- Identical to Dreadful Mien, but for beautiful Scions. Source: Scion: Ragnarok pg. 33
Visage Great and Terrible -- Shift your Epic Appearance from beautiful to ugly and vice versa. Source: Scion: Companion pg. 56
Perception Knacks[]
Perfect Pitch -- Scion notes any subtle variations in sound, from keypad keys to single note flaws in a concert. Source: Scion: Hero pg.132
Predatory Focus -- Amazing ability to track targets. Source: Scion: Hero pg.134
- Supernal Hunter -- [Requires: Predatory Focus] Scion can follow any trail, even through the air. Source: Scion: Demigod pg. 64
Refined Palate -- Perfect sense of smell and taste. Source: Scion: Hero pg.132
Subliminal Warning -- Scion always gets a roll to detect an ambush as it is triggered. Source: Scion: Hero pg.134
- In Your Dreams -- [Requires: Subliminal Warning] The Scion recalls everything that happened around her while she was asleep. Source: Scion: Companion pg. 56
- Environmental Awareness -- [Requires: Subliminal Warning] Scion is always aware of ambush and can warn allies. Also can detect minute environmental changes. Source: Scion: Demigod pg. 64
Unfailing Recognition -- Scion recognizes the faces of people she is fatebound, regardless of disguise or concealment. Others can be remembered with effort. Source: Scion: Hero pg.132
Broad-Spectrum Reception -- When deliberately attuned, scion can sense/see magnetic fields, infrared, radioactivity and other phenomema. Source: Scion: Demigod pg. 64
- Rarified Electromagnetic Perception -- [Requires: Broad-Spectrum Reception] Scion now always has awareness of broad-spectrum sensations and sights and can decode them (e.g. cell phone calls). Source: Scion: God pg. 74
Spatial Attunement -- Scion can perceive without sight, in 360 degrees. Source: Scion: Demigod pg. 64
Telescopic Senses -- Range for all senses is greatly extended, as long as the perceived sensation is not blocked (such as line of sight). Source: Scion: Demigod pg. 64
- Clairvoyance -- [Requires: Telescopic Senses] Scion can perceive at any location he has been before, or can extend touch and taste to line of sight distance. Source: Scion: God pg. 73
Hear Prayers -- [Requires: Legend of 9 or higher] Scion can hear any prayer or message from a mortal anywhere, so long as it is specifically addressed to her. Source: Scion: God pg. 73
Parallel Attention -- Multiple senses or inputs are not confusing and the scion notes each one individually. Source: Scion: God pg. 73
Sense Fatebond -- Scion is aware when a fatebonded person is around and can identify them with effort. Source: Scion: God pg. 74
Fool Me Once... -- Allows the Scion to see through illusions. If they have encountered the illusionist before, they are able to sense their signature. Source: Scion: Ragnarok pg. 33-34
Real McCoy -- The Scion knows when he's dealing with a shapeshifted entity. Source: Scion: Companion pg. 56
Scent the Divine -- Detect if someone is a Scion by scent. Different pantheons have different scents.
Intelligence Knacks[]
Fast Learner -- Scion learns Academics, Medicine, Occult, Poltics and Science faster than others. Source: Scion: Hero pg.135
- Star Pupil -- [Requires: Fast Learner] You also learn these abilities faster: Athletics, Brawl, Craft, Control, Investigation, Larceny, Marksmenship, Melee, Survival, and Thrown. Source: Scion: Demigod pg. 65
- Concept to Execution -- [Requires: Star Pupil] Temporarily fix a mundane item with limited resources, temporarily replace a lost Relic or build a whole new device with incredible implications. Source: Scion: Companion pg. 58-59
Know-It-All -- Obscure knowledge abounds for this Scion, which may provide hints when stuck in a story. Source: Scion: Hero pg.135
- Well-Read Virgin -- [Requires: Know-It-All] Any Intelligence-based roll for information can be done without penalty if lacking dots in the appropriate Ability. Source: Scion: God pg. 75
Math Genius -- Scion makes instant calculations and estimations. Source: Scion: Hero pg.135
Perfect Memory -- Scion remembers everything, which is useful if players forget a plot point. Source: Scion: Hero pg.135
Teaching Prodigy -- When teaching any of your abilities, students benefit from the Fast Learner knack, but you are limited to teaching up to your dots max. Source: Scion: Hero pg.135
Cypher -- Can mentally decode any message and devise unbreakable codes for his own messages. Source: Scion: Demigod pg. 65
Language Mastery -- Scion undstands any spoken langauge immediately and learns to speak or write in that language very quickly. Source: Scion: Demigod pg. 65
- Instant Translation -- [Requires: Language Mastery] Scion automatically understands any spoken or written word. Source: Scion: God pg. 74
Multitasking -- Mental acions are never distractions and are not penalties on multiple actions. Source: Scion: Demigod pg. 65
Wireless Interface -- Scion can mentally interface with any computer he can see. This may be distracting without Multitasking knack. Source: Scion: Demigod pg. 65
Blockade of Reason -- Scion always gets Intelligence-based resistance to supernatural persuasion attempts. Source: Scion: God pg. 74
Speed Reader -- Pages are read as fast as the scion can blink. Source: Scion: God pg. 75
Telepathy -- Scion can "speak" thoughts directly into the minds of others she can see. Source: Scion: God pg. 75
Fight with Your Head -- Reduces opponents' benefits from Knacks and Boons by learning their strategies. Source: Scion: Ragnarok pg. 34
Axiom -- The Scion's player states a logical deduction and the Storyteller must tell them if the the statement is true or false. Source: Scion: Companion pg. 57-58
Tactical Planning -- The Scion can substitute her Intelligence score for Wits when rolling Join Battle, counting the bonus successes derived from Epic Intelligence. Source: Scion: Companion pg. 59
Wits Knacks[]
Instant Investigator -- The scion can instantly tell what crimes were commited in a location, sequence of events, numbers involved, and other details. Source: Scion: Hero pg.135
Meditative Focus -- Environmental distractons barely affect the scion. Source: Scion: Hero pg.135
Opening Gambit -- Scion may choose to automatically go first in combat. Source: Scion: Hero pg.135
- Between the Ticks -- [Requires: Opening Gambit] The Scion can interrupt any action, even in the heat of battle, once per scene. Source: Scion: Companion pg. 59
Rabbit Reflexes -- When surprise attacked, the Scion gets double defenses against that attack instead of no defense. Source: Scion: Hero pg.135
Social Chameleon -- Aside from language and clothes, the scion always looks like he fits into any group of people. Source: Scion: Hero pg.135
- Perfect Imposter -- [Requires: Social Chameleon] The scion can always anticipate the expected responses when impersonating someone, even from the target's closest associates. Source: Scion: Demigod pg. 67
Cobra Reflexes -- You may counter-attack when surprised, even if you did not notice the ambush. Source: Scion: Demigod pg. 66
Eternal Vigilance -- The Scion is never surprised at all, and may roll for noticing a surprise attack when fully asleep. Source: Scion: Demigod pg. 66
Instant Assessment -- At the start of battle, the scion may assess combat ability of foes. Source: Scion: Demigod pg. 67
- Talent Mirror -- [Requires: Instant Assessment] You can substitute the target's dice pool (plus your Epic Attributes bonuses) when repeating an action you saw the target perform. Same for DV. Source: Scion: God pg. 76
Monkey in the Middle -- Multiple attacks cannot apply coordinated attack or onslaught penalties on the scion. Source: Scion: Demigod pg. 67
Jack of All Trades -- Instead of getting no Epic Attribute successes for rolls with a zero-dot ability, the scion gets a partial benefit. Source: Scion: God pg. 76
Opening Salvo -- Target loses a Willpower point if the player can come up with a jibe on-the-spot. Source: Scion: God pg. 76
- Scathing Retort -- [Requires: Opening Salvo] If the player can make a comeback to an assault, the victim is stripped of Willpower points and cannot regain any for the rest of the day. Source: Scion: God pg. 76
Psychic Profiler -- The Scion can size-up others easily. Conversation can reveal Nature, calling and primary Viture. Fatebound individuals reveal their role. Source: Scion: God pg. 76
Adaptive Fighting -- After failing to connect with an opponent, the Scion can add their Epic Wits rating in dice to their next attack. Source: Scion: Companion pg. 59
Don't Read the Manual -- The Scion can use an item they have no training with as if they had one dot in the requisite ability. Source: Scion: Companion pg. 59