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For many werewolves, teeth and claws are the only weapons they ever need. But the Uratha also have a long history of forging weapons and binding spirits into them to increase their power. These fetish weapons are called klaives.

A klaive is a hand-to-hand weapon - a sword, dagger, spear, axe, hammer or other implement of destruction. A werewolf in the throes of Rage isn't capable of using such delicate, finesse weapons, and klaives are made for the sort of life-and-death situations in which Rage is quick to rise. Werewolves of all tribes use klaives. The Blood Talons favor klaives that emphasize strength, such as heavy axes and hammers. The Bone Shadows and Storm Lords prefer klaives that can be used with a bit more finesses, such as daggers and swords. The Hunters in Darkness favor spears and daggers for their utility outside of combat. The Iron Masters sometimes make fetish weapons that other werewolves refuse to call "klaives" - sharpened jags of metal torn from steel pipes, clubs made from "found objects," and other variations on urban brutality.

Activating a klaive is normally a reflexive action that invokes the weapon's power for the remainder of a scene. Even without being activated, a klaive is still a solidly made weapon of its type.[1]

Although a brutal instrument such as a lead pipe could have a spirit bound within, it wouldn't be a klaive. A klaive is a weapon forged by Uratha, imbued with minor powers of war. They are often sized such that they can be used most effectively in Dalu form, yet also useful in Gauru. Ownership of a klaive is a clear mark of status for the Uratha; it indicates a werewolf of combat discipline and strong connections.[2]

Some klaives require characters to purchase them with the Fetish Merit.[3]

Klaives in the United Kingdom[]

Fetish weapons among the British Forsaken come in a vast variety of shapes, sizes and styles. Such a colorful history of invasions, occupations and wars means that fetish weapons from several historical cultures are passed down through family bloodlines as treasured heirlooms more often than the American Uratha would be used to. Medieval weapons such as swords and spears are more common in among the British Forsaken, for example, as are Norse blades and axes, Celtic weapons and even Roman infantry stabbing swords. They are not common by any means, but seeing a werewolf carrying an ancient antique fetish weapon when no human eyes are preset is not unusual. In most cases, these heirlooms are exactly that - valuable, treasured family artifacts that have survived for hundreds of years in the care of many werewolves. Fetish weapons are rarely carried around casually, let alone constantly. The spirits of these weapons have been bound for centuries, even millennia, and must be honored and respected at all times. Instead of seeing regular use, the weapons are most often brought out for grave battles or for the desperate defense of a hunting ground. When a Blood Talon stands before his enemies clutching a 2000-year-old Celtic battle-axe in his hands, it's a solemn and very dangerous moment.

Werewolves are more than capable when it comes down to inflicting violence, and ancient weapons are honored gifts that are simply not needed on night-to-night battles in the territory or the "average" evenings of the Wild Hunt. But there are legends of the greatest fetishes, and these are the highest of the high. A Royal Klaive (sometimes called a King's Klaive or a Queen's Klaive, depending on the gender of the wielder) is a name given to any of the most powerful fetish weapons in the British Isles. There are understandably few weapons with such destructive power in existence, and they are treasured items, guarded with the lives of their owners.

It should always be considered that even the most mundane klaives should still have some aspect that sets them apart from standard mortal weapons - most commonly this takes the form of glyphs and runes marking the maker's or the weapon's name, a history of the wielders, and extended hilt for different grips when shapeshifting and so on. It is also common for klaives to be constructed from unique or special materials. For example, even a plain Roman gladius, when forged by a werewolf some 2,000 years ago, will likely have a hilt made from ivory or a hunting animals' bones, both as a sign of the maker's craftsmanship and in a bid to harness the abilities of the creature that died to provide the materials of the blade.[4]

List of Klaives[]

Menu hover bulletMenu hover bulletMenu hover bulletMenu bulletMenu bullet Fulgent Talwar[5]: This curved Indian saber (stats equivalent to a normal sword; three lethal damage) gleams so brightly that opponents may have trouble making attacks against the wielder. When activated, the klaive allows the wielder to double his Defense if used during the day or a full moon. If used during any other moon phase, it only confers a +2 to his Defense (which may or may not be equivalent to his doubled Defense). A hellion or other light-spirit is used in creating this fetish. The Defense bonus lasts for a number of turns equal to the character's Primal Urge x2.
Action: Reflexive

Menu hover bulletMenu hover bulletMenu hover bulletMenu bulletMenu bullet Karg[6]: The head of this Persian horseman's mace looks like the mythic deer-antlered wolf's head from near-Eastern myth from which it derives its name. When activated, the mace emits a low, howling moan as it's swung, unnerving the foes of the wielder. Anyone who sees the wielder as an enemy suffers a -2 penalty to all Resolve or Composure checks, as the sound of Karg eats away at their courage.
Durability 3 (reinforced to 6), Size 2, Structure 7, Damage 3 (L)
Action: Reflexive

Menu hover bulletMenu hover bulletMenu hover bulletMenu bulletMenu bullet Sample Minor Klaive - Biting Dagger[7]: This particular example of a three-dot klaive is a small weapon, no bigger than a dagger. It inflicts damage as a knife but counts as armor piercing (see the World of Darkness Rulebook, p. 167), ignoring up to three points of Armor or an object's Durability. Such weapons are usually empowered by spirits of glass, serpents or spiders.
Other klaive weapons have different powers when activated. A three-dot klaive weapon shouldn't be more effective than a one-dot Gift.
Action: Reflexive

Menu hover bulletMenu hover bulletMenu hover bulletMenu bulletMenu bullet Steel and Lightning[8]: This rigid steel pipe is a conduit. At the far end is a hunk of concrete, and inside is a tangle of colored wires (some of which poke out at odd angles from both ends of the klaive). It does normal damage as a metal mace (three bashing damage; see p. 170, the World of Darkness Rulebook), but when activated, also shocks the werewolf's adversary with a quick and brutal blast of electricity. The shock is equivalent to that from a wall socket, and does four bashing levels automatically. The damage from a regular attack can be mitigated by armor. The electricity only comes when the weapon connects; those hit by such a weapon do not need to make any roll to pull away from the current, as it is only a sparking shock. A lightning-spirit fuels this weapon.
Action: Reflexive

Menu hover bulletMenu hover bulletMenu hover bulletMenu hover bulletMenu bullet Sample Greater Klaive – Fury Fang[9]: Most klaives are of this level of power. The Fury Fang takes the form of a sword, and the wielder can feel the pulse of the spirit within when he grasps the handle. The Fury Fang encourages the wielder to cast caution to the wind when attacking. On any turn in which the character uses an all-out attack (see the World of Darkness Rulebook, p. 157), two more dice are added to the attack (raising the total bonus to +4). The spirit of a particularly aggressive animal, such as a wolverines or water moccasin, fuels this weapon.
Action: Reflexive

Menu hover bulletMenu hover bulletMenu hover bulletMenu hover bulletMenu bullet Sequoia’s Spear[10]: This long, thick-hafted spear is made from the wood of a sequoia redwood and often features elaborated ornamentation carved up the klaive's length. The spear functions as a normal spear until activated. The spear, when thrust into the ground, creates a radius of power. If the user remains within the radius of power, which is equivalent to 10 yards, he gains the following bonuses: +1 to Size (with a resultant boost to Health), +1 to Strength (with a resultant boost to Speed) and +1 to Composure (with equivalent gains to Willpower and Initiative modifier). The spear's effects last for a single scene or until someone removes the spear from the ground, whichever comes first. If the werewolf leaves (or is forced from) the spear's empowering radius, he loses all bonuses. A redwood-spirit is used to create this klaive.
Action: Instant

Menu hover bulletMenu hover bulletMenu hover bulletMenu hover bulletMenu bullet Thunder's Atassa[11]: This Amerindian war club is nearly four feet long, with stylized lighting bolts inlaid with silver on either side of the "blade." The pommel resembles a falcon's head, and the spirit that resides within is a lightning-spirit. The wielder may attempt to activate the klaive each time he makes a successful strike against a foe in combat; a successful activation roll is answered with a growing clap of thunder. Each strike builds 2 dice of an electric charge that begins to play over the atassa and the wielder. When the charge has built to eight dice, it can be discharged up to 20 yards as a standard action. The charges does not grow any greater than 8 dice, and the damage is bashing. Armor provides no protection from this attack. The charge fades at a rate of 1 die every minute out of combat.
Durability 2 (reinforced to 6), Size 3, Structure 9, Damage 4 (L)
Action: Reflexive

Menu hover bulletMenu hover bulletMenu hover bulletMenu hover bulletMenu hover bullet Vorgarn[12]: This klaive spear was said to have been fashioned in the Middle Ages, and yet still bears a strong edge. Its head is nearly two feet long and waves like a slithering serpent. Its shaft is made from ash, stained black. Its blade is so fearsome that facing its wielder is a daunting task. The wielder gains +2 Defense from all attacks while wielding Vorgarn.
Durability 3 (reinforced to 8), Size 4, Structure 12, Damage 4 (L)
Action: Reflexive

War Klaives[]

Menu hover bulletMenu hover bulletMenu hover bulletMenu bulletMenu bullet Lucky's Brother (Lesser Klaive)[13]: Lucky's Brother is a well-balanced throwing knife made of good steel. Horsehair is wound up within the weapon's hilt. It adds a +1 die bonus to the Dexterity + Athletics roll to attack. The weapon's special quality is that it can almost never be lost (though it can be left behind). If its wielder loses track of it in combat (generally by throwing it at someone or sticking it into an enemy and letting go), a successful Harmony roll means that the knife slips out of the wound somehow. Others overlook the weapon, so it remains to be reclaimed by its owner.
An exceptional success on the activation means that Lucky's Brother finds some way to leave the battlefield with its owner, no matter what. Someone steps on it without noticing, flipping it into a backpack that the weapon's wielder later grabs as she leaves, or something even more improbably may happen. Dog-spirits empower this fetish.
Action: Reflexive

Menu hover bulletMenu hover bulletMenu hover bulletMenu bulletMenu bullet Poisontooth (Lesser Klaive)[14]: A Poisontooth blade can come in any form that is expected to pierce the skin but not slash it, from stiletto daggers to rapiers. The snake-spirits that help create the klaive infuse it with a poison designed to slowly wear down an enemy. When activated, the next attack made with the weapon causes the victim to suffer three points of lethal damage. An immediate Stamina + Resolve roll that produces more than three successes can alleviate this damage.
Poisontooth can only be used for free once per scene. Each subsequent activation in the same scene costs one point of Essence. There is a more powerful, unique version of the Poisontooth called Moonless Night that inflicts aggravated damage.
Action: Reflexive

Menu hover bulletMenu hover bulletMenu hover bulletMenu bulletMenu bullet Tearer-of-Silk (Lesser Klaive)[15]: Though this sword is stiff as steel, it looks like a cut of golden cloth that flutters through the air when swung. Tearer-of-Silk is partly transparent and laced with gold and jade. The sword's single property is that it cannot harm fully material things, instead being able to rend creatures in Twilight as though they and the sword were both material.
Action: Reflexive

Menu hover bulletMenu hover bulletMenu hover bulletMenu hover bulletMenu bullet The Hand That Wounds (Greater Klaive)[16]: Though commonly made as a mace of bone or iron, the Hand That Wounds can be any weapon. Other common incarnations make it a greatsword or a great axe. When the weapon lands a blow that onlookers would expect to shatter bone, its victim sometimes feels only a light graze, followed after a moment by soul-searing pain. Any time an attack with this weapon inflicts at least three points of damage, the player may make a reflexive Harmony roll to turn three of those points into one point of aggravated damage.
Venomous spirits whose size belies their danger power this klaive, such as small spiders and snakes.
Action: Reflexive

Menu hover bulletMenu hover bulletMenu hover bulletMenu hover bulletMenu bullet Heartseeker (Greater Klaive)[17]: Heartseekers appear to be little more than thin poles of sturdy wood about human-height. Their tops are sharpened, true, but it looks like the sort of thing a woodsman would make as part of a lean-to. In combat, treat the Heartseeker as a spear that inflicts bashing damage.
When activated and used specifically to target the heart, this weapon ignores all penalties to the attack and inflicts lethal damage. Heartseeker can only be used in this fashion once per scene; few werewolves mind, because they tend to leave Heartseekers behind once they pierce a heart. In the event of war with vampires, the Uratha probably seek many allies among the laser-spirits and other spirits of precision that empower these weapons.
Heartseekers are light and balanced to be thrown, if necessary, and may be thrown by characters with as little as Strength 3.
Action: Reflexive

Menu hover bulletMenu hover bulletMenu hover bulletMenu hover bulletMenu bullet Luna's Curse (Greater Klaive)[18]: This klaive is a large, single-edged sword with a large canine tooth hanging from its grip. It looks like a machete that's all grown up. There are runes up and down its length, but they are only visible under the light of the moon. When used in moonlight, the blade becomes silver the instant it bites into the flesh of a werewolf. Blood on the blade boils away after a second or two, at which point the blade becomes simple steel once more.
This blade inflicts aggravated damage against werewolves when the moon shines. Using Luna's Curse counts as fighting with a silver weapon. Lunes power this weapon.
Action: Reflexive

Menu hover bulletMenu hover bulletMenu hover bulletMenu hover bulletMenu bullet Magician's Edge (Greater Klaive)[19]: A slim, curving knife with a rough wooden handle, Magician's Edge is the tool for any werewolf who wants to play lots of tricks during battle. Any strike with the knife that inflicts at least one point of damage also transfers one point of Essence from the target's store to the wielder's. For the most part, only werewolves or spirits are valid targets for this effect, since most other creatures (even other supernatural creatures) don't have an Essence score. If receiving the point of Essence puts the wielder over his maximum Essence, he must use it on his next action or lose it. It bleeds off into the spirit world, where it is almost certain to be lapped up by some Lesser Gaffling.
Mosquito-spirits and spirits of some parasites can help power this weapon.
Action: Reflexive

Menu hover bulletMenu hover bulletMenu hover bulletMenu hover bulletMenu hover bullet Bane of Power (Grand Klaive)[20]: This massive, double-headed hammer is as tall as a werewolf in Dalu form and carved entirely from very rough stone. Bane of Power cannot be lifted by anyone with less than Strength of 6 and certainly cannot be wielded. Once a werewolf attunes to the hammer, for her it becomes a manageable weapon a damage rating of four bashing damage. She can feel energy in its long haft, and hate. Bane of Power gives her the subtle urge to attack certain targets over others, though it may take some time before she understands why. Once activated for the scene, the hammer doubles its damage rating against creatures with a supernatural power statistic, such as Blood Potency, Primal Urge, Gnosis or another.
Bane of Power has a final, less-known purpose: it destroys sources of power as well. When the Bane of Power kills one of the creatures it is designed to harm within a fount of power, such as a locus, the flow of power diminishes to nothing. It becomes a normal place. The spirit bound within this weapon is affined with some sort of flame, but is otherwise a mystery. The spirit sometimes speaks to the weapon's bearer.
Action: Reflexive

Menu hover bulletMenu hover bulletMenu hover bulletMenu hover bulletMenu hover bullet Rage Warden (Grand Klaive)[21]: Ancient and legendary, this massive club is adorned with strips of dried skin, assorted teeth and small metal trinkets. A Blood Talon Elodoth labored many months to create Rage Warden, and many more to entice the proper spirit - an ancestor of his who has supposedly mastered his Rage. When the ritual was complete, Rage Warden stood ready.
Its damage rating is four bashing damage, and its Size is 3. A werewolf wielding the weapon when she dons the wolf-man form causes a reflexive Harmony roll: success double the number of turns she can Rage. The weapon contains and channels her Rage for her.
Action: Reflexive

Auspice Klaives[]

Menu hover bulletMenu hover bulletMenu hover bulletMenu hover bulletMenu bullet Silence of Death (Irraka)[22]: This fetish always takes the form of a dagger of some sort: most modern examples are military combat knives, while older ones are frequently seen in the shape of stilettos. The weapon inflicts damage as a short sword (2L). Upon successfully striking an enemy, the user can activate the fetish in an attempt to utterly silence her victim. The target rolls Resolve as a reflexive action to contest the wielder's successes on his Harmony roll. Should he fail to accrue more successes than the klaive-user did in the fetish's activation, he becomes incapable of using any form of communication for the remainder of the scene. He cannot speak, howl, grunt, signal, send e-mail or text messages, use telepathy, or otherwise directly or indirectly purposefully convey information of any sort to another. New Moons using this fetish have killed enemies mere paces from their allies, with their victims unable even to cry out inarticulately for aid or so much as put up a noisy scuffle in an attempt to gain their friends' notice.
Spirits of silence, secrecy, or murder empower these fetishes.
Action: Reflexive

Tribal Klaives[]

Menu hover bulletMenu hover bulletMenu hover bulletMenu bulletMenu bullet Gurim's Lash (Fire-Touched)[23]: This weapon is a long, barbed whip made of specially treated leather (or, just as often, human skin). The barbs are the end are made of iron or bone, and must be sharpened and tempered in fire once a month. A spirit of disease is bound into the whip. It inflicts two points of lethal damage normally, and can be used to blind opponents with a called shot (see p. 165 of the World of Darkness Rulebook). Also, when activated, Gurim's Lash inflicts a gibbering madness upon the victim. Anyone damaged by the lash must succeed on a Stamina + Resolve roll (Natural Immunity benefits apply) with a negative modifier equal to the number of Health points suffered from the lash that scene. If this roll fails, the victim suffers fever, seats and disorientation (in game terms, a -1 on all Physical and Mental rolls) for the rest of the scene. If the roll is a dramatic failure, this penalty persists for a full day.

Menu hover bulletMenu hover bulletMenu hover bulletMenu bulletMenu bullet Shifting Fang (Iron Masters Minor Klaive)[24]: The Shifting Fang is three feet of metal chain covered in sharp edges and spikes. The only concession to the wielder is a strip of black leather wound around one end to make a grip. The spirit within the weapon makes the chain jerk and twist in the wielder's hand. With some training, he can use the constant motion to his advantage, striking from unexpected angles - even goading the chain to bend in the same direction as a dodging opponent. When activated, the Shifting Fang twists and writhes in such a way that the wielder ignores his opponent's Defense. The one drawback to this klaive is that the spirit within refuses to fight the same opponent twice - while an Iron Master can use the ritual weapon against the same person any number of times, the werewolf can activate this fetish only once. To the spirit within, a "fight" isn't anything as civilized as "first blood." Once the fetish is activated, the bonus remains until the end of the combat scene - until the wielder, or his opponents, is unconscious, running away or dead. When fighting multiple opponents, only those whom the fetish hasn't fought in a previous scene lose their Defense, and only those damaged by the fetish count as having fought it for future activations. The spirit of a venomous snake fuels this weapon.
Action: Reflexive

Menu hover bulletMenu hover bulletMenu hover bulletMenu hover bulletMenu bullet Charging Bear (Blood Talons)[25]: Skill and finesse are all well and good, but some Blood Talons favor sheer brute force and stopping power. This klaive is usually fashioned in the form of a large, heavy bladed sword, although some warriors carry versions made as large axes or maces. The weapon is richly decorated with bear motifs, and often sports a large claw or tooth hanging from the pommel on a leather thong. Bear-spirits are obviously the most common used in these fetishes, but any strength-spirit will do as well. When wielding a Charging Bear klaive, the owner may choose to subtract a number from his Defense and ass the same number to his next Weaponry-based attack. The owner cannot reduce his Defense to less than zero, and cannot use this ability in the same round in which he uses a maneuver that denies him his Defense (such as an All-Out Attack).

Menu hover bulletMenu hover bulletMenu hover bulletMenu hover bulletMenu bullet Fangs of the Bat (Hunters in Darkness)[26]: These weapons take many forms - daggers, mauls, bows and even sickles. The Fangs of the Bat are sometimes produced in pairs and wielded together using the Two Weapons Fighting Style (see p. 112 of the World of Darkness Rulebook), but this requires crafting two fetishes separately. These klaives incorporate the spirit of the bat, the precise, night-flying hunter who never misses his target no matter how small it might be. The Hunters in Darkness favor these weapons because they cut down on an enemy's chances to scream or otherwise alert others - one swipe, one shot, one strike and the enemy falls dead. In game terms, once activated, Fangs of the Bat reduces the penalties associated with striking a specific target (see p. 165 of the World of Darkness Rulebook) by two.
Such targeted shots might include aiming for a victim's throat (removes enemy's ability to scream or speak), eyes (blinding the victim), Achilles tendon or hamstrings (halves Speed) or back of the head (aggravated damage). This benefit applies only if the werewolf specifies a target, and it can't grant a bonus to such rolls. That is, if the penalty for specify a target is -1, the fetish can negate that penalty but not raise it to +1.
Action: Reflexive

Menu hover bulletMenu hover bulletMenu hover bulletMenu hover bulletMenu hover bullet Tooth of the Death Wolf (Bone Shadows Grand Klaive)[27]: A Tooth of the Death Wolf is a fetish weapon created employing a death-spirit. These weapons vary in form, but sickles, scythes and other curved blades are common. Upon activation, a Tooth of the Death Wolf imposes an aura of ghostly menace over the wielder. The Bone Shadow becomes Death Incarnate - fury disappears, emotion disappears and all that remains is inevitability. In game terms, the Bone Shadow's player receives three extra dice on all Intimidation rolls (including Gifts that use the Skill), and receives a +2 modifier to avoid Death Rage.
A Tooth of the Death Wolf inflicts aggravated damage once activated, and lethal damage otherwise. Using an activated Tooth of the Death Wolf against another werewolf causes a roll to avoid degeneration at Harmony 4 (roll three dice).
Action: Instant

Lodge Klaives[]

+Menu hover bulletMenu bulletMenu bulletMenu bulletMenu bullet Rune-Klaive (Lodge of Garm)[28]: When a weapon is created, be it in the fires of the forge or from the living wood of a tree, a Garmir has the option of making a Rune-Klaive. An existing weapon cannot be made into a Rune-Klaive: it is only possible to create one of these weapons whole. Scratched or acid-etched into the weapon’s metallic surface are hundreds of tiny runes flowing in a continuous (if jagged) trail. When read in order, these runes tell the story of Garm the God-Killer. Rune-Klaives can take many forms: hammers (or “Rune-Mauls”), axes, swords and fang-shaped daggers are all likely. A Rune-klaive is the only weapon, other than the blade of a fallen foe, sanctified for ritually scarring a character. Traditionally, ancestor-spirits (if they were Garmir) or predator-spirits of any variety from cats to hawks are bound into these weapons. Creating a Rune-Klaive can be a trial even above making a standard fetish weapon. A spirit hostile to Garm will regard the fetish as poorly made (–1 on the Fetish Rite table, see p. 162 of Werewolf: The Forsaken). When activated, the weapon within functions per the klaive’s standard ability for whatever spirit is bound within. In addition to this, the character gains an aura of predatory confidence around him. Allies within line of sight can see the legendary runes on this weapon and feel likewise inspired. For each success on the activation roll, all allies within line of sight regain a Willpower point. This effect can be invoked only once in any 24-hour period.

Menu hover bulletMenu hover bulletMenu hover bulletMenu hover bulletMenu hover bullet The Labrys (Grand Klaive: Lodge of Garm)[29]: This mighty double-headed ax was created by a female Rahu of the Lodge of Garm. The labrys howls when used to strike a male opponent, and no human man can lift the mighty fetish. (No mundane human male can budge the item, although human women and any supernatural beings can operate it normally, as can any werewolf in Hishu form.) It inflicts aggravated damage against males, regardless of their species. It functions normally against women of any species, inflicting lethal damage.
Action: Reflexive

Menu hover bulletMenu hover bulletMenu hover bulletMenu hover bulletMenu hover bullet Thunder Klaive (Lodge of Thunder)[30]: The Thunder Klaives favored by the lodge are two-handed weapons, usually axes or hammers, graven with runes and glyphs that warn of the thunder-spirit bound within. The majority of these weapons are treated as great axes; the hammer variants also inflict lethal damage, leaving terrible crushing wounds. Upon making a successful strike with a Thunder Klaive, the wielder may choose to spend additional Essence to add to the damage. Each Essence point spent in this way adds one lethal point of damage to the total; the werewolf is still limited by Primal Urge in the amount of Essence they can spend per turn. The additional damage manifests as a clap of thunder and blast of searing heat, virtually cauterizing any wounds created — not that the victim is overly likely to survive.

Unique Klaives[]

Menu hover bulletMenu hover bulletMenu bulletMenu bulletMenu bullet Hate and Pain[31]: Hate and Pain are Johnny's weapons of choice. Each is a silver hook, forged and shaped with his own hands and bound with spirits of malice and agony, respectively. To prevent the searing pain and carrying raw silver, he has wrapped the handles with the skin of his first Forsaken victims.
Hate: Hate forces Uratha to their Gauru war-form for a number of turns per success scored on the activation roll. If this keeps them in Gauru beyond the usually duration limit for the individual, the victim remains in Gauru but enters a comatose state until Hate is removed or they die.
Pain: While Pain is active, an Uratha feeling its effects has his will sapped for as many turns as successes on the activation roll. The victim bleeds out one Essence a turn; if he hits zero, he begins losing Willpower at one per turn instead.
Action: Instant

Moon Klaives[]

Moon klaives are a pantheon of fetish weapons created expressly for crusades. Each has at least one powerful Lune bound inside, and all reinforce the form and nature of their spirit hosts. Due to the strong wills and capricious nature of the Lunes, moon klaives are always more troublesome than other fetish weapons.[32]

Menu hover bulletMenu hover bulletMenu hover bulletMenu hover bulletMenu hover bullet Menu hover bulletMenu bulletMenu bulletMenu bulletMenu bullet Agalu Delal, "Daemon Eater"[33]: The ancient scythe-klaive is an awkward weapon, but its crescent-moon blade is supernaturally sharp and greatly feared by spirits. (Its wielder gains a +3 dice bonus to Intimidate any spirit that recognizes Agalu Delal.)
The weapon holds a powerful and surprisingly wrathful Ithalunim, but the weapon's purpose is clear; it is a weapon of last resort when dealing with spirits and ghosts. It will not take kindly to having its powers used for minor purposes. None but Ithaeur of high Wisdom (3+) have an easy time placating this rather haughty klaive - some would go as far to say that its wielder serves Agalu Delal more than it serves him.
Its intent is simple. It does not merely damage or discorporate; simply out, Agalu Delal kills spirits. Its blade inflicts horrible wounds that seemingly unravel their spirits' corpus. It may freely strike incorporeal spirits or ghosts on either side of the Gauntlet when active (though it does not give its wielder the ability to perceive them, most have that already.) Each level of damage done by the scythe also rips away a similar number of Essence and Speed from any ghost or spirit struck. Agalu Delal does not store the Essence - the weapon merely flays Essence away from the being's soul. This free Essence is bound for a time to either corporeal blood or gore (if damaged in our world) or the Essence merely litters the Hisil in a form appropriate to the spirit being attacked. It sublimates into nothingness in three rounds.
Likewise, corporeal undead find the wounds delivered by Agalu Delal to be unbelievably painful - for some the first true pain they have felt in their unlife. Treat the attacks as Stunning (see the World of Darkness Rulebook, p. 167). If the damage successes inflicted in a single attack equal or exceed the target's Size, the creature loses its next action.
The fact that spirits can so easily feed from the Essence harvested by the weapon often leads to smaller, lackey spirits abandoning what may be their master's side of the fight to feed on the free meal. The Shadow is a ruthless environment, and Agalu Delal is an equally merciless weapon. Merely bearing it often attracts a flock of crow or other carrion-spirits.
Durability 2 (reinforced to 7), Size 4, Structure 11, Damage 2 (lethal), AP2
As with other pole arms, the wielder gains +1 Defense when wielding Agalu Delal in close combat with unarmed opponents.

Menu hover bulletMenu hover bulletMenu hover bulletMenu hover bulletMenu hover bullet Menu hover bulletMenu bulletMenu bulletMenu bulletMenu bullet Dahzulina, the Scepter of Battle[34]: This gigantic mace might better be classified as a staff since it is nearly six feet in length; its head is a pitted, subtlety flanged steel globe, and the counterweight is a great iron spike. When wielded in battle under the light of the full moon, the globe shines and throbs with the full moon's power. The mace's wielder and all allies within a number of yards equal to three times its wielder's Purity are completely immune to any kind of supernatural fear.
Dahzulna rarely consents to be carried by less than an alpha, or a least a war leader. A Ralunim of great Purity is bound into this weapon and, similar to its choir, rewards those who lead through example. The wielder's followers are so inspired that they gain a +2 dice bonus to imitate his actions as long as he succeeds in the feat first. This might be striking a foe or leaping a chasm as part of a chase, etc.
A belligerent air elemental is also bound into the weapon. In combat, a swirling blast of wind is kicked up as the attacker whirls the staff around, giving him one level of Concealment for each turn spend in combat (up to -3). The wielder may also choose to deliver an exceptionally forceful blast during a successful strike. As long as the attacker does at least three points of damage, those hit by Dahzulna must roll for Knockdown (see the World of Darkness Rulebook, p. 168) with a -5 dice modifier. Those who fail are knocked back a number of yards equal to 10 + the wielder's Strength - foe's Size.
Durability 3 (reinforced to 8), Size 3, Structure 11, Damage 5 (bashing) or 2 (lethal) with spike

Menu hover bulletMenu hover bulletMenu hover bulletMenu hover bulletMenu hover bullet Menu hover bulletMenu bulletMenu bulletMenu bulletMenu bullet Hadakhu, the Dream of the Valiant[35]: Hadakhu was crafted somewhere on the Indian subcontinent during the Middle Ages. The weapon resembles an Indian sailaba, a single-edged long sword with a downward curving blade. A powerful Cahalunim was bound into it, along with a conceptual of hope. The bond between Hadakhu and its wielder is incredibly intimate. Hadakhu intrudes upon his dreams, guiding him on the paths of Glory. Those whose personalities and goals conflict with the sword can be driven mad by this attention. Those who possess the Vices of Pride, Wrath and Sloth and attempt to possess this klaive must make Resolve rolls each week or gain on derangement as the weapon plagues their sleep with nightmares. To become one of the sword's chosen, the Uratha's Glory may never be his lowest Renown and must have a Virtue of Faith, Hope or Fortitude.
Any who Hadakhu gain a +2 dice modifier to all Expression rolls and Gifts identified with the Cahalith, though the wielders do not need be of that auspice. Any of its chosen who find themselves locked in battle against fearsome odds gain a potent ability. They can expend Essence to regain spent Willpower, on a one-to-one basis. This can only be done once per day, and is, of course, further limited by Primal Urge. This is a single reflexive action.
Creatures with Vices of Pride, Wrath and Sloth find it difficult to oppose those who wield Hadakhu; their Defense is lowered by two.
Durability 3 (reinforced to 8), Size 2, Structure 10, Damage 3 (lethal)

Menu hover bulletMenu hover bulletMenu hover bulletMenu hover bulletMenu hover bullet Menu hover bulletMenu bulletMenu bulletMenu bulletMenu bullet Mumaizadum, "Fire and Water"[36]: Mumaizadum is a five-foot long, double-headed war axe. Glyphs representing elemental fire and water are inscribed on the ace heads, and the handle is made from night-stained oak, inlayed with pearl to form patterns of the half-moon. This klaive beats a spirit of fire on one blade, water in the other and an Elunim bound into the haft - Mumaizadum is a weapon that embodies balance, but also the destructive power of opposites. Unlike most other moon klaives, the Lune bound within this weapon is not more powerful then the other spirits - all are equal and while in tension, existing in harmony. This sense of equilibrium adds two to any pool to resist Death Rage.
The klaive can use the Elemental Gifts: Command ire or Summon Water (dice pool 10) and adds three dice to attach supernatural creatures associated with Fire or Water elements.
Durability 3 (reinforced to 8), Size 4, Structure 12, Damage 5 (lethal) 9 again

Menu hover bulletMenu hover bulletMenu hover bulletMenu hover bulletMenu hover bullet Menu hover bulletMenu bulletMenu bulletMenu bulletMenu bullet Sidam's Doom, Broken Blade[37]: This klaive was forged in Venice in the 15th century, but did not find its place in the pantheon of lunar klaives until three centuries later. When activated, Broken Blade appears to be a rather long-handled dagger whose bade is snapped off about three inches from its hilt. The trick is that the other eight inches are still there, you just can't see them. Myth holds an Irraka leader of the Sidm crusade used this klaive to kill an idigam (also known as the Hidden). The creature's heart's blood was so powerful that when its wielder buried the knife there, the blood stained the blade, making it invisible when activated. (When inactive, the blade seems oddly discolored, almost rusted.) This has several curious effects. First, it makes the klaive very difficult to master. A wielder suffers a -1 die penalty to Weaponry rolls when the klaive is activated. (Most offset this with a Specialty devoted to the weapon.) Second, it makes the dagger incredibly difficult to defend against, lowering an opponent's defense by one.
Two spirits were bound into the blade at its creation, a lunar hare-spirit and a diamond-spirit. When activated, the klaive adds five dice to any Jump check and five to the wielder's Speed and reduces any falling damage by the same amount. The diamond-spirit gives the dagger AP 2 and +1 Damage.
It is said that Sidm's Essence also tainted the two spirits bound into this powerful klaive making them rather bloodthirsty and greedy. They often bicker amongst themselves and demand regular chiminage in the form of molten silver and diamond dust (Resources ••••).
Durability 3 (reinforced to 8), Size 1, Structure 9, Damage 3 (lethal) AP2


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