White Wolf Wiki

Kirsty McCallum is a Wayward.


The day Kirsty was old enough to leave home was the day she walked into the local police station and reported her father for child molestation. He was tried, convicted and locked away for the better part of 10 years. She spent half of that in therapy, having her identity rebuilt after it shattered into distinct personalities under years of abuse.

Eventually, she created a new life for herself. She went to college, where she discovered a remarkable aptitude for electronics. She eventually landed a job in an electronics firm in the so-called "Silicon Glen" of central Scotland. She settled in East Kilbride, met Gregory McCallum and married him. A few years later, they had their first baby girl.

Kirsty joined the Territorial Army with her employer's approval, slipping through the normal safeguards by lying about her maiden name, forging some documents and taking advantage of the lax checks performed by the reserves. Being in the TA gave her a feeling of empowerment that she had lacked earlier in life. Indeed, she made a happy and content life, confident that the horror of her childhood was behind her.

Then one night on her way home, she ran over a dead person. Twice. From that moment on, her life was consumed by a desire to cleanse Scotland of these invading things. Soon after her first kill, one of her co-workers became suspicious. The stress of imbuing and the possibility of discovery fractured her personality once again. Her primary identity remained aware of what she had become, but was insulated from the worst of the Messengers' urgings. Her secondary personality took the fill brunt of the imbuing and became an efficient, if ruthless, soldier in their service.

Kirsty soon found herself unable to reconcile the demands of the hunt, a family and a job. She abandoned her husband and daughter and set herself up in a squalid flat in Glasgow, financing her hunting through the occasional theft. The "primary" Kirsty was introduced to a group of hunters in Glasgow by Paul Moreton (Sixofswords29), a Visionary who devoted his time to uniting the imbued. Meanwhile, her secondary personality had cowed a small group of hunters in nearby Stirling into following her, after she slaughtered some civilians and indirectly caused the death of half the group. When Moreton made contact with the Stirling group, he encountered Kirsty's secondary personality and later confronted her primary one.

Kirsty eventually moved south with Moreton, joining his new group of hunters in the southeast of England. His presence seems to ease her worst excesses and prevents her secondary personality from taking control. But the longer she hunts, the more akin the two Kirstys become.

Although occasional glimpses of the loving wife and mother who Kirsty once was occasionally show through, she is little more than a very proficient soldier these days. Only Moreton's steadying influence and a desire to not be utterly rejected by another group of imbued stop her from slipping completely into her alternate persona.

