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Kinfolk Talens are talens unique to the Kinfolk.


Talens differ from fetishes in that they have one use only. No attunement is necessary, though the user must still make a Gnosis roll or spend a Gnosis point (or Willpower in some cases) to activate the talen.

List of Kinfolk Talens[]

  • Test Vial - Gnosis 3 - This useful talen allows a character to determine whether a person is Garou or Kinfolk - assuming the character can obtain a fecal or blood sample. It looks like a simple test tube with a stopper. The tester drops or pours her sample into the vial, seals it, shakes it, spends a Willpower point and within five seconds, she has a thick crimson glop (Garou), a small amount of brownish powder (Kinfolk) or nothing (anybody else, no matter what other supernatural associations the person might have). Any of the following spirits must be bound into a normal test tube to create the fetish: Ancestor, Divination or Crow.
  • Leaf of Grass - Gnosis 4 - This is broad-bladed tree leaf (despite its name) which, when laid over a Kinfolk's eyes, imparts to him the words of an original poem. That's it - a poem. But it is very good poem, and if he were to recite it or publish it, he'd receive high accolades. A Galliard would be envious. This talen holds an elemental spirit.
  • Hero's Mead - Gnosis 5 - This talen is a dry, herbal mixture in a small bottle or bag. The user adds water, mixes and drinks while making a Gnosis roll or spending a Gnosis point. If successful, she finds herself with twice as much physical strength as before (up to a maximum of five dots). The additional strength lasts for one scene (one fight, for example). To make the talen, the creator must mix special herbs in a container, then bind a Thunder-spirit to the simples.
  • Finders Keepers - Gnosis 5 - There's an old joke about a drunk who loses his keys in the park but searches for them near a streetlight because that's where the light is. With this talen, a drunk - or anybody who uses it - no longer needs the streetlight or even the park. This talen is a simple match, and it usually comes in a box or a matchbook with four others of its kind. When lit, it will reveal to its user a vision of something he has lost or had stolen. If he dropped his keys under the couch, he'll see an image of the keys there. If his wallet was stolen, he'll see an image of where it is now, such as in the pocket of the crook who took it. When he strikes the match, he must speak the name of the object he's looking for: "my keys," "my wallet," etc. Note that the image won't necessarily reveal the exact location of the object, but there might be clues - the name of a Chinese take-out place seen over the shoulder of the crook who stole the wallet. The image disappears when the match burns out. This talen holds a hawk or falcon spirit.
  • Biting Bullet - Gnosis 6 - This is a bullet or round of buckshot. A Kinfolk (or Garou) who puts it between his teeth and bites down can fire the bullet at a target he faces, just as if he were taking aim with a gun. He rolls Dexterity + Firearms or Athletics to hit. The damage delivered depends on the caliber of the bullet; act as if it were a real gunshot. Unfortunately, the biter takes one level of bashing damage from the explosion in his mouth. This talen contains a fire spirit.
  • Fumblegum - Gnosis 6 - This pack of five sticks of bubblegum has heled many a Kin (most often Bone Gnawer Kin) out of a jam. The Kin activates it by giving a stick a few chews. He then tosses it on the ground. It then winds up on the heel of anyone who is pursuing or following the Kin, even if he didn't walk directly over it. The pursuer must succeed in a Perception + Alertness roll to notice that he's got gum sticking to his foot. So long as the gum is stuck to him, he'll find it harder to catch up to his prey. Passerby will inadvertently block his way, delaying him; cops will stop him to question him; traffic will prevent him crossing the street in time. If he outright tries to run after the Kin, he must roll Dexterity + Athletics not to trop and fall. If he succeeds, the gum's effect ends. If he fails, the gum keeps working. This talen is created by binding a rat or cockroach spirit.
  • Long Whispers - Gnosis 7 - No matter where a recipient might be, he can receive a brief written message (a paragraph or about five full sentences) via this talen; he can read the note even while in the Umbra. The talen itself looks like a sheet of smooth, blank vellum. The user writes down the message, addresses (by name only) the note, then activates the talen with Gnosis. The notepaper blows out of her hand as if by an unseen wind. After one scene, it comes into the recipient's possession in much the same way. To create this talen, a Dove-spirit or Pigeon-spirit must be bound into high-quality vellum paper.
  • Spirit Shield - Gnosis 7 - This talen resembles a small shield, about the size of a pendant, which can be worn around the neck. The user brings the talen to his lips to activate it and spends a point of Gnosis. The talen glows with a faint luminescence. This soft aura expands to surround the wearer, so that he, too, gives off a pale, unearthly light. All hostile non-Garou experience fear when they witness the aura and do not approach the wearer. Against Garou attackers, the talen has one of two effects. In order to attack the wearer, the Garou must roll Wits _ Enigmas (difficulty of the talen's Gnosis rating). If the Garou succeeds, she may attack the wearer, but the talen absorbs up to 20 levels of damage before dissipating. If the Garou fails the roll, her attack will miss, no matter how many successes she rolls on her attack roll. The talen disappears when it absorbs all the damage it can or when the combat is over, whichever comes first. This talen can only be used by a Kinfolk, since one of the Kinfolk's ancestor spirits is bound into the talen and will only protect one of its non-Garou descendants. Some Garou have several of these made for their Kinfolk if they anticipate the possibility of an attack. Kinfolk may also request these talens from a Garou kin if they know they will be fighting a Garou. This talen does not protect against the attacks of fomori or other Wyrm creatures.
  • Dire Call - Gnosis 9 - This talen looks like a slender white stick, perhaps as long as a soda straw. When the user snaps the stick in two and spends his Gnosis, a call goes out to the nearest single Garou. This talen differs from the fetish Horn of Distress in that the werewolf must come once the talen is activated. It's risky, though, because the talen's power doesn't distinguish between tribes or breeds. A Kinfolk could break the stick and summon an enraged Red Talon or a Black Spiral Dancer! In any case, he should have a damn good reason to call on the Garou. A Lune must be bound into a birch stick to make this talen.


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