White Wolf Wiki

Kim Sun was the founder of hunter-net.org and the Signature character for the Visionary creed. He was known on hunter-net as witness1, being the first person to create an account.  In addition to creating hunter-net, he is also moderator of the main listserv and administers site security. He is also the curator of /unity/.  

He is a computer professional with a lifetime of experience with technology He claims that the Messengers guide him in implementing security measures that he doesn't understand. Kim's long-term vision for the Imbued is to build a safe place on the internet for humanity. By "inheriting the internet" humanity would have a safe space with no supernatural influence. Eventually, humanity may be able to live on the internet in safety, with no need for the physical world.

The /walkingdead/ archives include a post of his, in which the ghost of a childhood friend appears to tell him that hunter-net user Carpenter169  is an evil spirit that is feared in the underworld.


Kim and Walker37 worked together to verify that the research Fyodor published in Hunter Apocrypha really happened. They visited Pittsburgh and were able to locate the house where he held his victims and Kim was able to use his vision edges to watch the events unfold. However, the police interfered after Walker37 shoot a door to open it. The police killed Walker37; Kim lied and framed Walker37 for Fyodor's crimes, claiming that Walker37 was going to torture him.

Character Sheet[]

Attributes: Strength 2, Dexterity 3, Stamina 3, Charisma (Trustworthy) 4, Manipulation 3, Appearance 2, Perception (Insightful) 4, Intelligence (Book-smart) 4, Wits 3
Abilities: Alertness 2, Bureaucracy 2, Computer (Internet) 5, Dodge 2, Drive 2, Expression (Letters) 5, Firearms 2, Intuition 3, Leadership (Friendliness) 4, Melee 1, Occult 1, Research (Internet) 4, Security 3, Subterfuge 2, Technology (Customizations) 4
Backgrounds: Contacts (Internet) 4, Destiny 5, Patron 3, Resources 3
Edges: (Vision) Foresee, Pinpoint, Delve; (Defense) Alarm, Rejuvenate
Vision: 8, Zeal: 3, Conviction: 4, Willpower: 9
Derangements: Manic-Depression, Tunnel Vision

Other Media[]

Witness1 also appeared in the Demo version of Hunter: The Reckoning - Wayward



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