White Wolf Wiki

Kieran Leary is an aging New York City homicide detective who, despite being incapable of perceiving spirits, has some awareness of taint within the Shadow.[1]


... I think New York's got a personality and a soul, just like every living thing. Only problem is, this city? She's sick as all hell. All the suffering in the city has bred some foulness out there in the shadows.

As a member of a profession that tends to see the worst in a place each day, Leary rather rapidly became aware that certain places saw much more crime than others.[1] Rather than pinning this on the people within it, Leary blames the places themselves, calling them "bruises".[1] He considers these places to be a congregation of the sickness that infests the city, something he sees as evidenced by the strangely consistent nature of the crimes they see; the same orphanage being filled by children whose parents were murdered, for example, or the same cab company repeatedly losing staff to road rage.[1]

Leary's attempts to map these bruises has resulted in a fairly detailed, though not perfect, dataset filled with verges, loci, shoals, and Wounds.[2]

