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White Wolf Wiki

Kelonoke Wildhair is an Athro Homid Ahroun Black Fury. She is the Warder's proxy and Sept Ambassador for the Sept of Bygone Visions.[1] She recommended to the Outer Calyx that they enter into a temporary alliance with the Shadow Lords. So far, Kelonoke's judgement has been vindicated.[2][3]


Kelonoke is the perfect ambassador. She is charming and attractive, with a Machiavellian streak a mile wide and the raw power to back up her words with force. Born to the sept, Kelonoke showed early promise and has been groomed for her position since childhood. Her devotion to the caern is total, and she will rip to shreds anyone who threatens her home. She and Kyra share a special closeness.

Kelonoke is also a respected member of the Maenads, a berserker faction of the Furies whose rages make Red Talons cower. Full Moon moots of the Maenads are typically celebrated by heavy drinking followed by killing sprees. More level-headed Furies tolerate the Maenads as long as they choose their moot sites with care, preferably with an eye towards damaging the Wyrm and not the Veil.

Kelonoke's unlikely combination of beauty and beast makes Iona (and many other Furies) nervous, but she has a good heart and an iron will. Many see in her the spirit of Isthmene, the most beautiful and wrathful of the Second Daughters. If she survives to a highest Rank, she may well succeed Iona when Iona passes on.


Small, as wolves go; sleek and black with a narrow muzzle. Kelonoke's Homid form is a stunningly beautiful Greek girl, about 5'3" with a strong, graceful build. Her 32 years have only deepened her beauty.


Position: Warder's Proxy, Sept Ambassador
Breed: Homid
Auspice: Ahroun
Tribe: Black Fury
Nature/Demeanor: Confidant/Maker
Attributes: Strength 3, Dexterity 5, Stamina 5, Charisma 2, Manipulation 5, Appearance 5, Perception 2, Intelligence 2, Wits 4
Abilities: Alertness 3, Brawl 4, Dodge 5, Empathy 3, Subterfuge 3, Drive 2, Etiquette 5, Melee 1, Survival 2, Computer 1, Linguistics 4, Politics 3, Rituals 1
Backgrounds: Pure Breed 5, Contacts 2, Mentor (Kyra) 3
Gifts: Inspiration, Persuasion, Razor Claws, Sense Wyrm, Staredown, True Fear, Disquiet, Bacchantes' Rage
Rank: 4
Rites: Rite of the Opened Caren, Moot Rite
Fetishes: None
Rage 9, Gnosis 3, Willpower 10

