The Kamuii are the elemental "nobles" of the Eastern Fae, the Hsien.

Elemental Kwannon-jin of Metal, Fire, Wood, Earth, and Water, the Kamuii are the nobles among the Shinma. They are protectors and arbiters, safeguarding natural wonders and mystic places, usually according to their element. They also coordinate the Li Shen and the different elemental Fu. They can all withstand incredible amounts of physical damage from their element, at least in their Wani Form, and most are talented at sports or skilled at jobs that complement their element.
- Chu-ih-yu - Nobles of Metal and Lesser Yin
- Chu Jung - Nobles of Fire and Greater Yang
- Hou-chi - Nobles of Wood and Lesser Yang
- Komuko - Nobles of Earth and Balance
- Suijen - Nobles of Water and Greater Yin
- CTD. Land of Eight Million Dreams, p. 61.
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