White Wolf Wiki

Ka Luon from Ascension pg 160

The Ka Luon are grey humanoid creatures with long limbs and large black eyes who match the common description of the alien type known as "grays". These creatures have large mobile Chantries that look like space ships[1]. The Ka Luon and Zigg'raugglurr are two possible alien races that lead the Void Engineers to try and establish a network of worldwide Horizon Constructs[2].

The Ka Luon figure heavily in the Ascension scenario "A Whimper, Not a Bang". In this scenario, the Ka Luon are resisting the activities of the Zigg who seem to be draining reality of its Avatars and by extension magick and Dynamism which may spell the end of their advanced technology.[3]


The oldest known use of the term "Ka Luon" in magickal discourse is in a Renaissance-era account of the Infernalist Nephandi creation myth, alongside the Nephilim and other such prehuman beings. [4]

The Ka Luon seem to have been most recently attracted to human activity shortly after World War II. They've been engaged in a war with the Border Corps, or at least that's what the Void Engineers believe. The entities known as the Psychopomps are purported to sometimes appear like them based on the current Sleeper expectation that that's what an alien thing looks like.

The Void Engineers also appear to have a common enemy in the Ka Luon with the Zigg'raugglurr.

In 1938, the Ka Luon attempted to invade, but were repelled by Unbelief.[5]


Sources support the Ka Luon being both materialized spirits conforming to the expectations of Sleepers as well as being proper aliens from space (which may or may not make them a strange ancient Bygone). The capstone book Ascension lists them as being aliens, but a sidebar provides that someone may not wish this to be the case.

The Ka Luon always appear to be materialized when encountered in the Umbra and have access to what seems to be exceptional technology.

Further, canon sources are divided as to whether or not they and their technology are subject to Paradox.


The experimental Void Engineer bioconstructs known as Living Energy Reality Modulation Units or LERMU's are habitually mistaken for the Greys. It is generally accepted that the 1947 Roswell Event was a LERMU with leaked Void Engineer technology, though DSEATC refuses to publicly confirm or deny rumors that samples of Ka Luon DNA were used in their creation.

LERMU's are created with use of an Enlightened retrovirus containing modified Ka Luon DNA. They are photosynthetic, immune to both the vacuum of space and Void Adaptation, and can see infared and ultraviolet light. Although originally applied to clones provided by the FACADE Engineers, a refined version of the procedure would later be used on high ranking personnel on the Copernicus Research Center.[6]


  1. MTAs: Book of Chantries Buy it from DriveThruRPG!
  2. MTAs: Guide to the Technocracy, p. 72 Buy it from DriveThruRPG!
  3. MTAs: Ascension (book) Buy it from DriveThruRPG!
  4. MTSC: Infernalism: The Path of Screams, p. 19
  5. MTAs: The Book of Madness, p. 58 Buy it from DriveThruRPG!
  6. MTAs: Convention Book: Void Engineers, p. 87