The nobles among the Kindred of Rome, and founders of the Camarilla, the Julii (singular Julius if male or Julia if female) claim descent from Remus. Most Julii adopted "Julius" or "Julia" as a title upon receiving the Embrace into the clan.
They could possibly be the ancestors of the Ventrue, or they may simply be a now vanished clan who filled the same niche in Kindred society. The Gangrel clanbook implies that the Ventrue and Gangrel are descended from a common ancestor, possibly the Julii (although the Gangrel would have to have split from their forebears sooner, as they were present in Rome during the days of the Camarilla).
Like the Ventrue, the Julii are masters of Dominate, the Kindred Discipline of mental subjugation.
The Julii were wiped out by the Striges, the very same entities that gave Remus his immortality. Julius, Remus' successor, reneged on the agreement Remus made with the Striges. The last of the known Julii was stuck down around the time of Rome's fall; should there be any survivors (as Thousand Years of Night implies), they are little more than relics and refugees hiding their very clan from the Strix.
Clan Bane[]
The Bane of the Julii comes on the wings of their arch-nemeses, the Strix. The Founders suffer the Strigid Curse, finding it difficult to resist the supernatural powers of the Owls and other ephemeral beings.
In First Edition Requiem, the Julii slid into debauchery more easily, suffering a penalty on rolls to prevent Humanity loss.
Strictly speaking, the singular form of the Latin "Julii" would be "Julius" if male or "Julia" if female, as is seen in the names of numerous Julii storyteller characters in the Requiem for Rome Rulebook and Fall of the Camarilla. As none of the sourcebooks explicitly state this, fanon has adopted "Julii" as the singular form of the clan's name as well as the plural. Similarly, the adjective form of the clan's name would be "Julian", which is used occasionally in the source material but, again, not explicitly spelled out.
Lost and Minor Clans: |
Akhud · Amari · Bekaak · Dukhan · Grettir · Hypatians · Julii · Mikhaili · Nhang |
Non-Kindred: |
Jiang Shi · Pijavica · Strix · Twice-Cursed |