White Wolf Wiki

Julie Foster is a Tremere who was Embraced in 1542 by Marius Drake.


Julie was created in London without the permission of the prince by a powerful Tremere. She and her sire were captured and brought to trial. The Prince of London, Mithras, summarily executed her sire and sentenced Julie to be bound up, staked and left for the sunlight. For some reason which still eludes her, a vampire saved her, fighting off the London brood and whisking her away from England to a new existence. Maybe it was the fact that this mysterious vampire saved her from destruction, as in a fairy take, or maybe it was her human side wanting to latch onto something she could depend on. Whatever the reason, Julie fell in love with her rescuer, and has since traveled with him across the world to eventually settle in a place where he would build a city with which she would help. This gallant vampire rescuer was, of course, Siegfried, who is now the Prince of Vancouver.


Julie is a beautiful woman. Her hair is long and brown, and her skin still has the pinkish tinge of mortal life. She also seems to breathe, cough and move like one of the mortals of the world, as though she were still alive. It's only in times of danger that she seems like a vampire, moving with the unnerving speed and precision characteristic of the Kindred.


Wherever Siegfried is, Julie isn't far off. She stays at his mansion if he's spending the day there, or she sleeps in an adjacent room in the abandoned catacombs beneath the Vancouver General Hospital.


Julie has a great deal of influence over the politics of this coastal city. She has the trust of the prince, as well as that of the Nosferatu. She can be a great deal of help to anyone who can gain her trust.

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